uaheuhauehaue rapaz era tudo que eu precisava ler hoje :). Isso é a pura realidade david, agora como mostrar isso para users finais é que não tenho idéia sabe?
Eu tenho palestra do dia 5 ao dia 9 de novembro e gostaria de usar isso como um bom argumento.
Padula ve se aproveita algo deste email para sua palestra hoje.

2007/10/23, David Barzilay <>:

Se estávamos procurando contra-argumentos para dialogar com Ubuntanos,
aqui está:

I was chatting with a large group of highly technical folks from a huge
segment of businesses at the Colorado Software Summit last night.

Ubuntu came up, and I tried to explain why going with a completely Free
distro like Fedora was a better idea if they absolutely didn't want to
pay for Linux.  I tried explaining the ethics and community impact of
using a distro which included non-Free code and basically got a "who
cares" answer.

Then I put it in terms that IT managers understood.  I asked "What
happens when you are all running Ubuntu, with MP3 and video players and
all that cool multimedia stuff installed and some disgruntled employee
gets you audited by the SPA?  Now you're liable for $100,000 in fines
*per violation* of licensing laws.  What are you going to do?"

Stone silence and dropped jaws around the table.

Then I explained that Red Hat offers a very reasonably priced corporate
desktop with commercial support and no IP violation risk.  I was pretty
surprised at how quickly folks started asking questions.  I talked about
Fluendo and how they could absolutely use multimedia on RHEL or Fedora
and do it safely, legally and inexpensively.

I hate scare tactics, but in this case, it's reality.  Corporate users
who bring Ubuntu into their environments are going to break the law if
they install those multimedia codecs that Ubuntu encourages them to install.

p.s.: Lício, desculpe mas é a pura verdade ;))


David Barzilay
Red Hat
Marketing Manager, Brasil
Community Relations, Latin America

Saiba por que os clientes escolhem e aprovam a Red Hat!

Fedora-mktg-brazil mailing list

Cristiano Furtado
Gerente de TI - Projetos de Software Livre
Embaixador do Fedora no Brasil
