2014-10-28 14:22 GMT-03:00 Filipe Rosset <rosset.filipe@gmail.com>:
There are a lot of trips, talks, events, etc, but are all these things really helping to build new tech's into Fedora? I'm not sure.

Fedora ambassadors have several different duties. Finding new packagers/developers to contribute to Fedora [technically] is only one of them. Even getting more users to use Fedora is a reasonable goal that is feasible with what we have been doing. I agree we should somehow change our policies and strategies but we must remember that there are several other goals. Sometimes, strategies are good but still, they do not always bring immediate benefits. Something that must be clear, is that these events are not providing to distributions, the necessary space they need and that they deserve.

Last FISL, for example, I presented a workshop on how to translate Fedora (Transifex). It happened in the Red Hat booth to Fedora contributors. It would be awesome if FISL provided us a space to do that for lots of other people, but unfortunately, they don't seem to want this for their event. Maybe we should invest more money in local events such as FLISOLs, Fedora Release Parties, Software Freedom Days and alike and less money in events such as Latinoware and FISL.

Best regads,

Marcel Ribeiro Dantas,
Biomedical Engineering Researcher at LAIS
Laboratory for Technological Innovation in Healthcare (LAIS-HUOL)
Free Software Advocate - "An idea is only knowledge, when shared."

mribeirodantas at fedoraproject.org
mribeirodantas at lais.huol.ufrn.br