On 11-09-12 10:06 AM, James Bowes wrote:
On Fri, Sep 09, 2011 at 10:38:38AM -0300, Dmitri Dolguikh wrote:
On 11-09-09 10:29 AM, Michael Stead wrote:
On 09/09/2011 09:22 AM, Dmitri Dolguikh wrote:
I ran into an issue with how content path is being created in
entitlement certificates generated by candlepin when working on
übercert functionality. Übercert is an entitlement certificate
that has a single piece of content with the url of
"/owner_name_goes_here" (this would grant access to all urls
below the one specified).

During entitlement certificate generation candlepin prefixes all
content urls with owner-specific prefix (/owner_name/$env in
general case). One way to handle this situation would be to move
all übercert-related logic to candlepin (internal candlepin api
allows to bypass prefix addition during cert generation). This
would also have a benefit (imo) of bypassing async cert
regeneration, since in this particular case it would be a bit of
an overkill.
I like this approach better. It seems a lot cleaner to me than
just adding a somewhat buried notion of "if startswith // than do
this". Would this be done as a new resource, or just bolted onto
an existing? What sort of 'übercert-related logic' are we talking
about here?
I was thinking about adding a new resource - something like:
/owner/:id/uebercert with POST and GET. The logic is roughly:

- create a special Product "ueber_product"
- create content "ueber_content"
- add content to product
- create subscription for "ueber_product"
- refresh pools
- create consumer that will be used to consume the entitlement -
- and, finally, consume the entitlement and return the certificate

I'm thinking that on a subsequent POST the entitlement cert can be


Another approach would be for katello to create content with url
in some specific form (one suggestion was to use '//' at the
start of the url, e.g. "//ACME_Corporation"), and bypass prefix
addition for such urls on candlepin side.

I'm not a big fan of #2. Thoughts/opinions?

This content prefix stuff is on the owner, and its pretty deep down in
the candlepin code. I'm fine with doing it in candlepin, then. the idea
of a specific url for it as you suggested also looks good. My only
concern is this is a developement only thing, right? so we'd want to
have an option toggle for it or something (plugin?)
Nope, this isn't a development-only thing - uebercert is going to be used by image factory. Hence my preference for resource approach.



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