
Probably some existence check to see if subscription-manager is present and then falling back to the old way rhn_register way if that's installed instead sounds reasonable.   

Cobbler should already be laying out the yum.repos.d files ok and shouldn't need to do the channel enablement -- many users are going to be mirroring channels onto their cobbler server anyway, and using stock yum, so I don't *think* this needs a new parameter to work with the channel enablement.   Maybe it should though.

Patches are pretty easy -- Basically it's just forking the project on github and then sending a pull request.

Anyway, one thing at a time -- send me a patch or the subscription-register part and we can perhaps figure out if channel enablement should be there or not separately?

On Monday, February 13, 2012 at 2:32 PM, Jim Nachlin wrote:

Hi List,

Red Hat is moving to a new, "certificate-based" registration system.
They are doing away with rhn_register and moving to

Here is a trivial but possibly useful snippet which we have saved as

# Subscribe (register) the system
subscription-manager register --autosubscribe --username=XXXXXXX

# Add what used to be called channels
yum -y install yum-utils
yum-config-manager --enable rhel-6-server-optional-rpms
yum-config-manager --enable rhel-6-server-supplementary

I don't know the process for adding it to the cobbler github project,
and I'd want to make the username and password into settings rather
than having them hard coded, but I am open to doing that work and
adding it if it is wanted.

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