I also just found that RHEL5's django doesn't support part of my commit 344969648c1ce1e753af

so if you run into that before i roll back tonight:

--- generic_list.tmpl.orig      2011-04-12 18:29:25.000000000 -0400
+++ generic_list.tmpl   2011-04-12 18:29:43.000000000 -0400
@@ -167,9 +167,12 @@
           <span class="action" onClick="javascript:obj_copy('{{ item.0.1 }}')">Copy</span>
           <span class="action" onClick="javascript:obj_rename('{{ item.0.1 }}')">Rename</span>
           <span class="action" onClick="javascript:obj_delete('{{ item.0.1 }}')">Delete</span>
-  {% if what == "system" or what == "profile" %}
-          <span class="action" onClick="window.location='/cblr/svc/op/ks/{{ what }}/{{ item.0.1 }}'">View kickstart</span>
-  {% endif %}
+  {% ifequal what "system" %}
+          <span class="action" onClick="window.location='/cblr/svc/op/ks/system/{{ item.0.1 }}'">View kickstart</span>
+  {% endifequal %}
+  {% ifequal what "profile" %}
+          <span class="action" onClick="window.location='/cblr/svc/op/ks/profile/{{ item.0.1 }}'">View kickstart</span>
+  {% endifequal %}
 {% endfor %}