On Tuesday, January 10, 2012 at 1:14 PM, Christian Horn wrote:

Hi cobbler-devel,

there are some suse sles related things that could make sense to
be included directly in cobbler.
These pieces are currently here:
https//fluxcoil.net/doku.php/cobbler/sles .

Uwe, I think the existing suse pieces are from you, so you
might be able to point out some things I am missing.

Here are my questions, please comment if things make sense
to get included and in which way:

- Currently cobbler comes with autoyast_sample.xml, I think of additionally
shipping a autoyast_complex.xml, with these things included:
- snippet which sets up dump
- a construct which allows sles-rootpw to be set if specified
as ksmeta $rootpw

This should be in the default one, IMHO 
- code which allows selection of one of 3 package selections
which are selected via a ksmeta, minimal/tiny/big

We don't do this for RHEL, it should be consistent, I'd think?
(If not, have a default and put it in the default snippet)
- post snippet: disabling of some services

This sounds like a Wiki item to me since it's behavior not in the RHEL one either.
Though if we want to ship some more complex RHEL examples that could be good.
- post snippet: this deploys a snippet with pure shellcode
(which works also for rhel and cleans up /etc/grub.conf),

Also also... 
and a wrappersnippet. The wrappersnippet makes it possible
reuse snippets written for rhel (containing shellcode) also for
sles (in wrapping it in the xml code that autoyast expects).

Most of the RHEL snippets are a mix
of bash and Anaconda directives, would it work?

But snippet parity and kickstart parity is a very good cause, yes.

Which of these look useful for inclusion? Should documentation happen
inline as comments or in wiki?

Inline similar to the comment style of the sudoers file could be rather helpful.
A lot of the RHEL stuff is enabled (not even commented so much) and gated
with booleans in the master settings file, but are a bit distro specific unfortunately
where they might want to be renamed (yum_post_install_mirror, in particular,
should work on SLES)

- While the above works here for sles11, with some functions dropped I have this
also here for sles9 and 10. These are separate template files, and separate
interface snippets for these other distros. Is this of interest to be included?

- currently, when the networking.xml snippet is included and the hostname
does not contain a hostname it bails out with an error message.
In the code here this is checked for using
#if re.match('.*\..*', $hostname)

- the current networking.xml is not adapted to use $network instead
of $subnet .
The scripts here cope with both now, when changing this in git then
only the $netmask has to be used I guess?

- current cobbler git head uses the SuSE subdirectory, I am currently only
testing with cobbler 2.2 in fedora updates-testing.

- currently, autoyast.xml is not directly usable as cobbler template.
It is xml valid, but the <!-- comments --> at the beginning seems to be the
problem. So users have to remove this bevore using.

send in a patch 
I would suggest this file no longer be xml valid, instead using here
## these
## comments
which are filtered out by cobbler later.

Opinions on the points above welcome.

cheers, Christian
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