On Tue, Apr 12, 2011 at 09:51, Léon Keijser <keijser@stone-it.com> wrote:
On Tue, 2011-04-12 at 14:46 +0000, Greg Swift wrote:
> I got that tftp error as well....and for the life of me i can't
> remember what the fix was.  I originally assumed that it was a side
> affect of doing the "make install", but since your getting it now I
> guess not.  When I get home (I keep saying when i get some place don't
> i?)

I know what you mean :)

>   I'll look at my cli history to find what i did to fix it.  I
> remember looking into making sure i had the tftp server properly
> installed, but it had been running before I did the install..  but i
> think the 2.1+ cobbler actually has this as a config option in
> modules.conf.  Where you on 2.0.x before this?



> Jonathan is right... for everyone not doing ubteen updates in a row
> for single line fixes, rolling an RPM using 'make' and then installing
> the RPMs is a much better path.

As soon as i typed 'make webtest' i thought about that :)  Well i
reverted to 2.0.10 and can work again. But do let me know once you find
it so i'll be able to testdrive again.

And if i have time i'll look into it myself, but i guess you will be

okay.... so

1: your modules.conf has to have the tftp entry in it (I just upgraded one of my boxes using the rpm format from 2.0.10, and the new modules.conf went to a .rpmnew)  simply adding this entry fixed that part
2: your /etc/http/conf.d/cobbler_web.conf need to be on the new WSGI interface... if your on a RHEL box this might mean uninstalling mod_python and editing the mod_wsgi.conf file to actually load the module
3: restart cobbler and httpd

thats what worked for me.