WM> Is the post-install script executed on the installed host (client) or on the Cobbler server?

The post-installation scripts in cobbler/modules/ run in the Cobbler server, the post-installation
snippets run in the automated installation file (eg kickstart, autoyast, preseed) are run in the

WM> If the script is executed on the installed host (client) is there a function that returns the current hostname when the post install script is executed on the installed host? I know I could obtain that from the $HOSTNAME environment variable, but I prefer to use the API.

You can get the hostname attribute assigned in a Cobbler system using the get_system() remote call in XML-RPC interface. The system name parameter in this remote call may be set with the system_name template variable value, automatically available in any snippet. Given you will run this in the client, I do not understand why you prefer to do a remote call to obtain the hostname than getting it directly in the system, though.

Alan Evangelista