I'm trying to setup cobbler to PXE boot Hiren's boot CD.  I realize this is more a tftp question than cobbler...  but this is the type of audience that has probably done it for their own environments.

I was able to manually modify pxelinux.cfg by following, e.g.

i.e. :
LABEL hiren-15.2
        kernel /memdisk
        append iso initrd=/images/hiren.15.2.iso raw
        MENU LABEL hiren-15.2
Booting from them menu item gets me (after a long time loading the ~600 MB hiren ISO into memory!) to the normal Hiren boot screen, but when I attempt to start something like Partition Magic, it fails to boot after a couple seconds with the error:

ERROR: could not insert 'phram': Input/output error
mount: special device /dev/mtdblock0 does not exist

I've tried other configurations, e.g. the one here:

But that one didn't work at all (selecting the item in the menu just immediately went back to the PXE menu)

Any tips appreciated!

Robert Jacobson               Robert.C.Jacobson@nasa.gov
Lead System Admin       Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO)
Bldg 14, E222                             (301) 286-1591