A FAQ that I have brought up on numerous occasions on IRC involves 'getting rid of bad cobbler metavariables'.

If I were to set a wrong ks_meta variable NAME, how do I get rid of the NAME without taking out ks_meta entirely.


`cobbler system add --name=NAME --ksmeta='arg0=val0 arg1=val1 art2=val2 ... argN=valN' ...`

There are quite a number of scenarios where I don't want to remove all of ksmeta, but only a mistyped variable name.  I have heard about the '!ARG' syntax:


`cobbler system edit --in-place --name=NAME --ksmeta='!art2'`

Supposedly this syntax will, upon deserialization of the JSON, clear the ks_meta namespace of art2; however, upon issuing a report on a given entity, the flawed variable will still appear along with the negated variable.


ks_meta      : 'arg0=val0 arg1=val1 art2=val2 ... argN=valN !art2'

For those who make use of this data for inventory or other purposes, the '!VAR' notation does not cut it.  I would like a definitive explanation of how to remove bad metavariables irrespective of deserialization.


 - A.