We are keeping stateful changes of kickstarts/snippets under SVN, but any changes made to a system (ie, profile was changed, netboot was turned on) we have very little accountability for.  That is of course if we want to keep an audit trail of /var/lib/cobbler

Perhaps the right place for this is to have a hook in cobbler sync?


On Mon, Feb 2, 2009 at 11:19 AM, Léon Keijser <keijser@stone-it.com> wrote:
On Mon, 2009-02-02 at 10:26 -0800, Christopher Johnston wrote:
> Would it be possible to have an option in cobbler to see the last (X)
> number of changes made?
> For example:
> cobbler log --last 25
> Could print out what changes were made for system records, distros,
> profiles, etc etc.  I know you could run something like history at the
> bash prompt, but would be better if Cobbler had a stateful
> understanding of things going on.  Especially in a multi-user
> environment where we have lots of admins making changes.

We use git to keep track of (almost) all changes in cobbler:


But you could also add /var/lib/cobbler/config of course. It's easy to
keep track of changes with a bonus that you can revert a change if
Things Go Horribly Wrong ;)

kind regards,


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