On Tue, Apr 2, 2013 at 11:21 AM, FRANK Michael <michael.frank@faurecia.com> wrote:
Hello All,

I am just new to Cobbler and try to build my first test system. We already have a Server sharing and syncing the CentOS repo. If I try to import this repo from the  server cobbler always sync over the hole content to /var/www/cobbler/ks_mirror.

My Server shares the CentOS repo via hostname:/data/vm/repo and it is mounted at  /data/repo in my cobbler server. The Server also shares the repo via ftp. The CentOS tree is in the directory centos so that the hole path is /data/repo/centos/6/os...

I tried several combinations of:

cobbler import --path=/data/repo/centos --name=CentOS --available-as=ftp://deaugvbo0001.aug.de.corp/centos --breed=redhat
cobbler import --path=/data/repo --name=CentOS --available-as=nfs://deaugvbo0001.aug.de.corp:/data/vm/repo
cobbler import --path=/data/repo/centos --name=CentOS --available-as=nfs://deaugvbo0001.aug.de.corp:/data/vm/repo/centos --breed=redhat

How could I prevent Cobbler from syncing the repo to local filesystem. 

This is a known issue with 2.2.3, and will be corrected in 2.4.0 (currently in beta).