We have a very interesting package workflow.  We produce deployments which are complete infrastructures deployed into closed environments.  I have and am in the process of building an automation application which makes use of various red hat technologies to separate specialized package sets into sectioned off deployments.  My application that does it all utilizes everything from puppet and cobbler to appliance-tools and revisor.  I even had to make my own version of Func because I needed a different authentication medium and licence restraints.
What it boils down to is tiered environments with progressive package sets built against fedora 10 and 11 with automation code gluing the phases together.  It is all really cool stuff.


On Mon, Aug 31, 2009 at 1:49 PM, Michael DeHaan <mdehaan@redhat.com> wrote:
On 08/31/2009 03:43 PM, Michael DeHaan wrote:
> I'm curious if anyone out there uses (or does not use!) a workflow where
> they might have some packages or repos that are for different levels of
> workflow.
> For instance, seperate environments for "devel", "Q/A" (test), "stage",
> or "production" -- having at least two levels, but maybe more?
> In other words, is there an app that you develop that needs to be
> deployed to different levels of servers as it passes various checkpoints?
> (What tools and processes are involved in those checkpoints?)
> If you have setups like this, how do you manage them with Cobbler and
> other tools?   What is your workflow, or do you have one?
> Thanks!
> --Michael
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That subject should be "how do you manage..." :)

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