On Tue, Jul 9, 2013 at 4:55 PM, James Cammarata <jimi@sngx.net> wrote:

On Jul 9, 2013 4:18 PM, "nicholas geovanis" <nickgeovanis@gmail.com> wrote:
> James wrote:
> > Grab the most recent settings.py from the release24 branch on github and replace the one on your
> > system. The issue is related to Django deprecating and removing some modules in their 1.4.x
> > releases while cobbler 2.2.3 was written to support Django <= 1.3.x.
> Thanks James. I replaced /usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/cobbler/settings.py with the 2.4 version from github. Unfortunately I receive the same error. Do I also need to replaced the corresponding .pyc and/or .pyo files too? Is that the correct file?
>  Thanks......Nick Geo

Delete the pyc and pyo files and restart httpd.

 My mistake was actually worse: The settings.py I pulled down was for cobbler rather than cobbler-web. But that was taken care of and I moved to the next issue.

Which was Django's need for mod_python (unfortunately not expressed in the RPM), which is deprecated in RH 6.x but available through EPEL. And then to my current difficulty:

I can view and edit my "migrated" kickstart templates just fine through the "Edit" button in the "Kickstart Templates" page.  But when I try to view the very same kickstart script through the "View Kickstart"  button on the "Systems" page, Apache throws a "500 Internal Server Error". This may be related to Bugzilla 828632, I'm not sure, but I find this in ssl_error_log:

[Wed Jul 10 17:01:11 2013] [error] [client] mod_wsgi (pid=14566): Target WSGI script '/var/www/cobbler/svc/services.py' cannot be loaded as Python module.
[Wed Jul 10 17:01:11 2013] [error] [client] mod_wsgi (pid=14566): Exception occurred processing WSGI script '/var/www/cobbler/svc/services.py'.
[Wed Jul 10 17:01:11 2013] [error] [client] Traceback (most recent call last):
[Wed Jul 10 17:01:11 2013] [error] [client]   File "/var/www/cobbler/svc/services.py", line 15, in <module>
[Wed Jul 10 17:01:11 2013] [error] [client]     from mod_python import apache
[Wed Jul 10 17:01:11 2013] [error] [client]   File "/usr/lib64/python2.6/site-packages/mod_python/apache.py", line 30, in <module>
[Wed Jul 10 17:01:11 2013] [error] [client]     import _apache
[Wed Jul 10 17:01:11 2013] [error] [client] ImportError: No module named _apache