On Fri, Nov 30, 2012 at 8:56 AM, Zack Perry <zack.perry@sbcglobal.net> wrote:
  • But with Ubuntu, once an official repository is mirrored locally using e.g. debmirror, without fetching and unpacking the netboot tar ball, the result can be only used for installing packages.  Thus, the degree of automation is at least two steps behind what cobbler does for Red Hat systems.  IMHO this "gap" should be filled.
Although I did never finish the attempt to integrate witch cobbler, I wrote a mirroring tool (https://github.com/javiplx/repomirror) which is able not only to mirror the packages but also de debian installer components.
In short, the installer things are handled as a "component" (main/debian-installer), so it should be not difficult to get it mirrored with any apt capable tool.
Javier Palacios