On Thu, Nov 15, 2012 at 4:02 PM, Zack Perry <zack.perry@sbcglobal.net> wrote:
I think that I have some clues now. See the following two find results:

[root@cobbler ks_mirror]# cd ubuntu-12.04.1-x86_64/
[root@cobbler ubuntu-12.04.1-x86_64]# find . -name "*installer*"
[root@cobbler ubuntu-12.04.1-x86_64]# cd ../ubuntu-12.10-desktop-x86_64/
[root@cobbler ubuntu-12.10-desktop-x86_64]# find . -name "*installer*"


James, I know this is not cobbler's job to ensure that a distro is ready for PXE boot, but perhaps it's still a good idea to put in a check just to ensure that necessary essentials are available?  Do you need me to open an issue on cobbler github?

Here is a relevant Ask Ubuntu entry that seemed to have helped the user though it looks like you have found the same issue.


Basically like you found you need to mirror the ubuntu-installer directory for this to work.

The Ubuntu Desktop CD is usually assumed to be the CD you won't use if you want to netboot things. Most would go with the server install or the alternative CD for such a task.



-- Zack

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