We're open to suggestions on how the interface should look for this.

Right now, to elaborate on what Michael described, we'll have a "cloner" distro installed.  This will be generated from an actual distro, but modified to be a live environment with scripts to save off or load the hard drive over nfs.  Hence the "cobbler distro make-cloner command.
Specifically, this command could use the utilities in the livecd-tools package to create an iso or a pxeboot kernel/initrd that's purpose will be to save and load images.  This is what I'm currently looking into, any suggestions on this step are welcome.

The next step is to associate profiles with a cloner distro.  You'd create a profile for each image you want to save; profiles that are assigned to a cloner distro represent one image (but that image could go to several systems).  Systems that are assigned to the same "cloner" profile are intended to have the same image on them (or at least have the ability to reload the image from time to time).  In my use case, we'd equate profiles with projects, so we could save off an image related to a project and load another onto a particular machine as needed.

And the final step is to associate a system with a "cloner" profile.  When a system is assigned to a cloner profile and set to netboot enabled, its pxeboot file will point to the cloner distro kernel and initrd.  Additionally, kernel parameters will be passed to it to tell it to save or load, and where it should save/load to/from (nfs path), and the image name.  The computer boots, goes through the imaging process, and reboots back to the local hard drive when finished.

I thought this was relatively simple (compared to some of our initial ideas at least), and I like it since it follows the model for distro -> profile -> system pretty well.  This business of a cloner distro was chosen (over just including a pre-made kernel/initrd with the package like xcat does) for portability and compatability with all environments and arcitetures. 

The theory behind this feature is to be able to take a snapshot of a customized system.  Kickstarts are usually preferred, but in some environments it is desirable to be able to save a machine's current state off to an image.  Then perhaps something experimental can be tried, and the original image restored afterwards.  This is somewhat common situation in our lab.  The second useful situation is where we need to set up a machine in a very specific way: customize packages,  configs, files, and such, and then need to duplicate this to many other machines.  The customizations aren't always easy to compress down into a kickstart, and especially when the hardware is identical, imaging them is often easier and faster.  I know a lot of you probably don't need convincing that this is a useful feature, I just thought I'd share some of the more useful cases that I've come across for this kind of feature.


On Wed, Jul 30, 2008 at 12:02 PM, Michael DeHaan <mdehaan@redhat.com> wrote:
I've been talking with Andrew Brown from NCSU, and we have some ideas on
how to implement a cobbler imaging solution utilizing livecd's and
partimage.   He's going to be taking a crack at implementing this for a
future cobbler release.   I've included basic details here so others
could see what we are thinking and weigh in.  The use case is for the
Virtual Compute Lab (http://vcl.ncsu.edu/) though this should be
extensible to any other place that needs to clone images and might have
mixed Linux/other deployments.    Naturally, if you can do kickstart (or
preseed, or autoyast, or ...), it's always preferable to do kickstart
(or equivalents) -- maintaining security updates on images and so forth
and dealing with hardware differences is an additional layer of complexity.

This is somewhat based around some capabilities of IBM's xcat, though
we're going to rework it to make it work idiomatically in cobbler where
there is much less setup involved.

The following instructions assume pxe_just_once is turned on in
/etc/cobbler/settings and the systems PXE first in BIOS order.  That
makes some things simpler as the live images can simply reboot when done.

The idea/syntax is as follows:

# from a base of the imported RHEL5 distro, use livecd-tools to create a
livecd and convert it to a PXE-able image.
# this livecd image will contain a post script that uses partimage to
export partitions to a configured NFS share (in cobbler)
# and/or load the image based on kernel arguments configured via flags
cobbler distro make-cloner --name=RHEL5-cloner --distro=RHEL5

# here we make a profile for what is being cloned.   For example,
"RHEL5-image-myclassproject37", this name will be used
# by the NFS share, and because it is parented by a cloner image, it
will have special symantics in terms of what kernel
# arguments get fed to it, such that our special live image (or modified
initrd, TBD) knows what to do.
cobbler profile add --name=RHEL5-image-projectX --distro=RHEL5-cloner

# now we assign a system via PXE boot to be cloned.  Note that we are
assigning it to a live image not to be installed, but to
# be netbooted and then cloned.
cobbler system edit --name=foo --profile=RHEL5-image-projectX
--save-clone [--netboot-enabled=1]

# to clone the image, we assign another system to the cloner profile,
like so, and reboot it once finished
cobbler system edit --name=bar --profile=RHEL5-image-projectX
--load-clone [--netboot-enabled=1]

This should cover all partition types supported by partimage but not the
"weird stuff".

This also seems to imply that we would have a settting in
/etc/cobbler/settings to configure the address info of the NFS
server to save things to.

Comments?   Questions?

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