Hi Dan,

I have seen timeout issues like this caused by the switch connected to the server not bringing the port up in time for the PXE request to be answered. In that case I had to enable 'spanning-tree portfast' (in Cisco speak) on the port I was connected to, or disable spanning-tree. 



On 10 November 2011 16:47, Dan White <ygor@comcast.net> wrote:
I have set up a cobbler server to kickstart/build HP ProLiant boxen of various flavors with RHEL5

I have a particularly stubborn DL380 G5 that refuses to be PXE-booted/net-installed

I suspect a FUBAR from the guy that manages the DNS/DHCP, but I need more evidence.

When it tries to PXE-boot, I get "PXE-E11: ARP Timeout" a few times and then, maybe, it will proceed.
But then, when it gets into anaconda, it hangs on a screen that says:

Error downloading kickstart file:

Unable to download the kickstart file.  Please modify the
kickstart parameter below or press Cancel to proceed as an
iteractive installation.

http://<IP of cobbler server>/cblr/svc/op/ks/system/<system name from Cobbler>

The URL is not the problem.  I can type that URL into any other machine on the network and get the kickstart file.
On the suggestion of a co-worker, I booted the same G5 with a CentOS 6 LiveCD, configured its network interface and was able to bring up the kickstart file in a ForeFox browser.

I have loaded/booted several other machines from this samre server, so I am confident that the problem is not on the cobbler server.  Being able to get to the KS file with the CentOS LiveCD says to me that the G5 is not the problem.  I suspect the problem is somewhere between the two machines.

“Sometimes I think the surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe is that none of it has tried to contact us.”
Bill Waterson (Calvin & Hobbes)
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