Thanks. Looking forward Puppet then : I need to configure a whole network with workstations, computing clusters, general servers (www, mail...).

2009/1/23 Michael DeHaan <>
Fabien Dupont wrote:
> Hi all.
> I have installed cobbler to manage my distro/kickstart trees. It works
> really well and I would like to go a step further by moving
> configuration from kickstart to a configuration management system such
> as puppet or cfengine. Taking a look at Spacewalk since it integrates
> cobbler in version 0.4, I've seen one of its feature is management and
> deployement of config files. Unfortunately, it only works with Oracle
> and I can't install Oracle, due to infra rules.
> Can anyone tell me which configuration management system would
> integrates best with cobbler ? Or which one is used with Spacewalk, so
> I could migrates easily when it supports PostgreSQL ?

Spacewalk uses it's own system of laying down template files.

Cobbler implements it's own way of doing that is /not/ the same, but is
very similar and based on the ideas of Spacewalk's.  The advantage of
Cobbler's system is that it allows you to use Cheetah for /both/
kickstarts and installed files, and allows you to use the same template
variables between kickstart and the installed files.    Files can be
updated on command with koan.  Since the template syntaxes are different
I am not sure if Spacewalk will support the new system in the future.
This is basically designed for setups where puppet is too much and not a
lot of post-install configuration updating is needed.

Cobbler also contains some integration for use with Puppet, see here:
that allows you to define what puppet classes and variables get mapped
to which profiles and systems.   This would be your most advanced, but
not necessarily simplest, option.   I also think it's minimally tested
at this point as it just came out in 1.4  (puppet users pppppplease help
me with this one).

Generally I'd recommend taking a look at Puppet first.

> Thanks for you help.
> --
> Fabien Dupont
> System Engineer
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