Hello to all.

I'm/we are using hardlinks to create snapshots van rpm downloads...
We pull daily the rpm's from the internet.

For deploying Fedora we use 3 stages:

1) incoming     (repo_mirror) # from the internet, changes daily
2) testing         (knmi_test)    # copy'd once from incoming to testing and then frozen !!! this is hardlink'd
3) production   (knmi_all)     # after acceptance the testing mirror is copied once to the production repo.

I think cobbler needs some kind of system to make it possible to deploy "OTAP" --- Ontwikkeling Test Acceptatie en Productie,
or Development, Testing, Acceptance and Production, (DTAP)

For that we must be able to revert back from Production tot Acceptance/Testing fase...

With kind regards,

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Today's Topics:

   1. Re: repo management and snapshots (Gerhardus Geldenhuis)


Message: 1
Date: Tue, 30 Aug 2011 14:25:11 +0100
From: Gerhardus Geldenhuis <gerhardus.geldenhuis@gmail.com>
Subject: Re: repo management and snapshots
To: cobbler mailing list <cobbler@lists.fedorahosted.org>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"

Thanks for the response.
I was also thinking about a sym link or hard link approach to save disk
space. There is a cobbler hard link command mentioned on some of the online
docs but this is not mentioned in the man page that I was reading but might
be due to the version I am using. See this hard link flag made me wonder if
there were already a solution in place. If I put some more thought into
this... would this be something that is useful other people and could
potentially be implemented more generically?


On Tue, Aug 30, 2011 at 12:17 PM, Christian Horn <chorn@fluxcoil.net> wrote:


On Tue, Aug 30, 2011 at 12:08:44PM +0100, Gerhardus Geldenhuis wrote:
I looked around through the documentation but could not get a description
how to do "repo" snapshots. I might have missed it or not have a full
or understanding yet but would appreciate anyone sharing thoughts on how
do it.

Very simply  I want to be able using only cobbler to create a snapshot of
repository and called it for example RH5.6-Feb which should contain the
repo plus all updates that has been releases up until that point. I want
be able to then create monthly snapshots for example and when I build a
server build it against one of these snapshots. If you can already do
in cobbler I would appreciate some guidance or if not if anyone could
how they achieve this with cobbler.
I think this is not implemented, you should be able to do it yourself for
repos that you host (have locally as files):
- 'cp -r /part/repo /part/reposnapshot'
- 'cobbler repo copy ...' to make the snapshot known to cobbler

You can do this in spacewalk but I am
not sure how much is spacewalk and how much is cobbler and I am keen to
re-invent the wheel. For various reasons at the moment unfortunately I
use spacewalk to manage this so the solution has to be native to cobbler.
Cobbler is maintaining the repo just as a whole, spacewalk knows about the
packages inside.  That way a clone of a channel in spacewalk (what you call
snapshot) happens mainly in the database, without creating copies of files.

I think you could be fine with the cobbler approach.  This one needs more
diskspace, yet that could be reduced in creating hardlinks for files that
exist in multiple repos.

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