this has been discussed before and IIRC the theory is that the scripts deal w/ whatever you name the interface when you add it to the system.  If you add an interface named 'em1' it would configure and interface 'em1', just like for 'eth0'.

On Mon, Nov 19, 2012 at 6:53 PM, Zack Perry <> wrote:
I finally got around to test cobbler 2.4.0 from epel-testing to PXE boot
Fedora 17.  After the past few days struggles with Ubuntu, doing RH
alike systems is like having a break :-)

Nevertheless, I noticed that the system came up with em1. This is not
news to me, and I know how to deal with it. But the Q is, up to now,
the snippets bundled with cobbler 2.4.0 still assumes that the first
network interface is named as eth0.  What is the current plan in dealing
this device name change (which I know quite a few people are not happy'


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