You'll have the problem of the vlan your interface is on needing to be changed after the build. If you are allowed, you might look at running a dhcp proxy in the other subnets in order to get your isolated dhcp server to respond to to the other networks. Doesn't require any special network settings but you'll obviously need to have holes punched through any firewalls and you'll need to modify the dhcp.template to accept requests from your other subnets. other than that, works like a charm.


On Mon, Jun 11, 2012 at 6:57 AM, Mezei Zoltan <> wrote:

I would like cobbler:

- to assign/use an IP address from a specific pool (e.g. during the deployment process to the machine being
- but assign a different IP address from a different subnet (e.g. as the final IP address of the machine after the
deployment is finalized.

Additionally, it would be best to "catalog" the machine's final IP
address in cobbler as the temporary IP used during the deployment is
irrelevant. Can this behavior be configured within cobbler?

(I would need this because at my company we can only use DHCP/PXE on
one specific network due to some strange security restrictions.
Unfortunately this is something I can't change, so I need to find a
way with cobbler and possibly some other configuration mechanism (we
use cfengine and I can create a promise that changes the machine's IP
address after deployment, but in this case cobbler still wouldn't know
the final IP address of the deployed machine))

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