
I see. Could you please provide me with the small code example for await?


śr., 9 sty 2019 o 22:00 Daniel. <danielhilst@gmail.com> napisał(a):
Note that for using it you need to enable it support on babel, welcome to modern javascript, these are the pieces of software that I recommend you to get familiar with it: Webpack and Babel.

Webpack will bundle all your javascript (css and other stuff) in a single bundle. Babel will let you to develop on newer versions of javascript that would not be available on old browsers, and it will transpile to old javascript

Em qua, 9 de jan de 2019 às 18:52, . <magicznykrag@gmail.com> escreveu:
First of all: thank you very much for maintaining this great project!

I'm C programmer learning now Cockpit. My problem is as follows: for some of the operation I must use external helper and I must wait for it output. The cockpit.spawn() function returns the promise, which is non-blocking operation (as expected). How can I make it work as blocking one? Which mean: the rest of the code in the function should be done after receiving full output of the cockpit.spawn (done() or fail())

best regards,

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