On Tue, Mar 17, 2020 at 6:37 PM Martin Pitt <mpitt@redhat.com> wrote:
Hello Gal,

Gal Zaidman [2020-03-17 13:43 +0200]:
> On my local env I installed cockpit and cloned the starter-kit, created
> a link to base1 directory

What do you mean by that? You don't need to create any links for base1
yourself. Cockpit's web server (cockpit-ws) knows how to find base1.

> My app can import cockpit, now I need to configure cockpit to interact with
> a local running VM instead of my own PC.
> I want that the cockpit service which is running local on my machine
> connect to a cockpit bridge running on a local VM as a primary server,
> basically:
> [image: image.png]

There was no actual attachment, but it's fine. I suppose it looks like
https://piware.de/gitweb/?p=talk-cockpit-auth-anywhere.git;a=blob_plain;f=ssh-session.pdf;hb=HEAD ?

You can do that by adding your VM as a remote server in the dashboard, then the
local cockpit session will connect over SSH to the VM. You can also do that on
the login screen directly in "> Other Options → Connect to".

Honestly I'd find it easier to just install cockpit-ws into the VM and directly
point your web browser to the VM IP. But I guess you have your reasons, and
remote ssh logins work just as well.

> The end result I want to achieve is that when I'm developing my plugin I
> will use webserver and only see the plugin windows (without the cockpit UI)

This is unrelated to the local vs. ssh question, but you can also specify an
URL that just shows your page's frame, instead of the whole thing:

For example, this only shows the Machines page:


Likewise, you can replace @localhost with @ after you logged in (the URL
will already contain the remote server part).

> and each interaction with cockpit will be triggered on a remote VM running
> cockpit, this way I will not have to refresh my page to see changes in the
> UI.

You will still have to refresh the page. I. e. if you build your new code, scp
it to your VM, then cockpit's web server and the remote bridge need to load it
at some point. But a Ctrl+R is fairly cheap, you don't even lose your
authentication, you just see your new page. (That's what everyone in the dev
team is using, too)



Martin that a lot for the quick reply,
I think that you have miss understood my intention, I aim to create a separate development environment which will use webpack-dev-server.
I don't want to login with cockpit UI, 
I want the that the js will be served by webpack-dev-server and not cockpit-ws (It will have to run in the background but I will not use cockpit UI),
that is why I needed to link to base1 in the dev env.
So I basically need to have what you cockpit-es --> cockpit session --> Remote machine bridge.
But I need to configure it with the CLI and not via cockpit UI, I know that I can start cockpit service like a normal service with systemctl

BTW one big reason that I don't want to refresh is that I'm working with modal on a process which runs ansible scripts which can take a lot of time to execute and a refresh will send me back.
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