On Wed, Sep 21, 2016 at 3:32 PM, Pavel Raiskup <praiskup@redhat.com> wrote:

:) Consider that others consume Copr sources ...

> What is important for me is not important for you and vice versa.

I would say that every commit is important.

... and have Copr working, want to have it as stable as possible, and are
planning regular updates with new releases.  So to answer your question:
Whatever could complicate updating is worth having a look (by other consumers)
whether it is (a) necessary, (b) shouldn't be made optional; or (c) at worth
study hard how to re-configure properly.

Typical "hint" can be:

- "you have to hack something on XX (backend e.g)" because you changed something
  on "YY (e.g. dist git)", and whetever else component.

- API changes, copr client should detect that server supports older API

- You need to change deployment scripts, others will need this too

- you put requirement on software that is not in base Fedora repo, be that yum
  repo or other software repo ... (like dockerhub)

Yup, it is on my TODO list to make the upstream packages usable for me too
(because otherwise it is real pain), but so far (except for client side) I need
to re-build the packages with downstream patches.  If there was something
docker-related, I would have to rebuild the images probably too...

You don't need to rebuild any images manually, just restart copr-dist-git.service.


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