Apologies for the slightly OT post:

Does anyone here know of a document/documents that give non-programmers tips/tricks/best practices on using git for plain text documents?

Obviously to some extent this is just "git for non-programmers" but I'm guessing that there are other non-obvious best practices that non-programmers could stand to learn, and that I'm hoping someone has written up somewhere.

For example, since non-programmers tend to pass around entire word docs instead of patches, they're likely to do all edits to a document and then submit a single gigantic change, instead of breaking it up into small functional changes (as is probably best practice). Compounding this (for me) is that I've often found it difficult to figure out how to cleanly break up patches into small bits in git. (I think there are some records of this in gitorious :)

Thoughts? Suggestions?

Thanks ahead of time-