2018-05-01 22:50 GMT+02:00 Sanja Bonic <sanja@redhat.com>:
Hi everyone,

We're just setting up the website - we can migrate it all to the Fedora websites when some Fedora resources for it are available, for now we'd just like to change wherever it says Atomic Workstation to Team Silverblue (Fedora Silverblue once it's properly on the Fedora website and everyone feels like it's ready). Legal should get back to us about both Team Silverblue and Fedora Silverblue at the latest next week.

Which website? And merging where? Seems you know more about that.

We will start renaming things and announce it all next week when website and docs are up - we wanted to inform you prior to any announcements.

Oh you will announce it next week? Thanks for letting us know then...I'm a bit confused, sorry for that.

Have a great week,


Robert Mayr