On Wed, Jan 20, 2010 at 11:01 AM, David Lutterkort <lutter@redhat.com> wrote:

>From an API POV, we should support both, and let people discover what
mechanism the backend cloud supports. Anything else, for example,
simulating EC2's user-data mechanism on rackspace by injecting a fixed
file will lead to a lowest-common denominator API.

Yes, it will - which is ok if lowest common denominator is useful (ie at this stage of cloud providers, there is lots of innovation going on - surely it won't continue like this for ever !). 


That way, applications can discover which mechanism for file injection
the cloud supports, and act accordingly.


So this turns deltacloud into a "discovery" API - is that the direction that deltacloud needs to go? At the moment it is an API that you can use to do something more or less directly. Introducing a discovery component means that to use this api, you need to discover capabilities, and then make a decision in your client code how to use/not use them (which is kind of pushing it up a layer to the clients) - doesn't that make it harder for people to write clients that can work across clouds? 

Michael D Neale
home: www.michaelneale.net
blog: michaelneale.blogspot.com