Doesn't the notion of file injection require that the host be able to grok the root filesystem of the cloud server? That seems like a major limitation to me and I find that the way EC2 does user-data much better. We're having major trouble with a major cloud provider where we slide LVM under the root FS to be able to do snapshots and it breaks all kinds of stuff.

Hugh O. Brock wrote:
On Tue, Dec 08, 2009 at 03:43:49PM +1300, Ivan Meredith wrote:
I'm currently working on getting file injection into the RimuHosting
API. After that I will work on some patches for the deltacloud api to
add this functionality in.


On Tue, Dec 8, 2009 at 1:46 PM, Michael Neale <> wrote:
Hi All.

Would people consider an addition to the instance creation part of
deltacloud API to allow the injection of files/content to specified
paths? (an extra optional field(s) on the POST)?

(this is the sort of thing that we need to have in some kind of
semi-formal RFC wiki setup for people to point at and shout).

Michael D Neale

Certainly we will need something like that, I'd welcome an RFC patch.

BTW Ivan if you don't mind, please don't top-post -- makes the
conversation hard to follow.
