Thoughts on deps inline

On Thu, Feb 25, 2010 at 11:43 AM, Mohammed Morsi <> wrote:
 (renamed from portal to aggregator)
 deltacloud-aggregator.spec |  135 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++  |  162 --------------------------------------------
 2 files changed, 135 insertions(+), 162 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 deltacloud-aggregator.spec
 delete mode 100644
+%package daemons
+Summary:   Deltacloud Aggregator daemons config
+Group:     Applications/Internet
+License:   GPLv2+
+Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
+Requires: httpd >= 2.0
+Requires: rubygem(mongrel) >= 1.0.1

Do we want to use thin here instead?  ^
+Requires(post): chkconfig
+Requires(preun): chkconfig
+Requires(preun): initscripts
-Summary: The Deltacloud Portal
-Name: deltacloud-portal
-Version: @VERSION@
-Release: 0%{?dist}%{?extra_release}
source code is GPL except for vendor/plugins/will_paginate and
-#public/javascripts/jquery.*, which is both MIT and GPL
-License: GPLv2+ and MIT and BSD
-Group: Applications/System
-Requires: ruby >= 1.8.1
-Requires: ruby(abi) = 1.8
-Requires: rubygem(activerecord) >= 2.1.1-2
-Requires: rubygem(activeldap) >= 0.10.0

We shouldn't need  this anymore ^
-Requires: rubygem(rails) >= 2.1.1
-Requires: rubygem(mongrel) >= 1.0.1
-%if 0%{?fedora} >= 11
-Requires: rubygem(gettext_rails)
-Requires: rubygem(gettext)
-Requires: ruby-flexmock

This one is only needed for will_paginate, which we currently have as a plugin, but should switch to using the gem,  So s/this one/will_paginate
-Requires: postgresql-server
-Requires: ruby-postgres
-Requires: pwgen

Don't think we need this one anymore either ^
-Requires: httpd >= 2.0
-Requires(post):  /sbin/chkconfig
-Requires(preun): /sbin/chkconfig
-Requires(preun): /sbin/service
-BuildRequires: ruby >= 1.8.1
-BuildRequires: ruby-devel
-BuildRequires: rubygem(gettext)
-BuildRequires: rubygem(rake) >= 0.7

Also, need to depend on authlogic gem.
-BuildArch: noarch
-BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}-buildroot

Not sure where the deps would need to go, but there is the test stuff (full list on the wiki, Bdd_intro page, also in env-specific config files in project).  Some of that still needs packaging, but am not positive how much.