On Thu, Jan 21, 2010 at 5:45 AM, David Lutterkort <lutter@redhat.com> wrote:

That's exactly the intent behind discovery. In addition, you should
never have to make decisions based on the name of the provider - you
should always be able to make them based on metadata you get from the
concrete driver. IOW, if you want to know if you can inject user data,
don't check whether you're talking to EC2, check for well-known metadata
in the API description.

Right, so perhaps I was getting things confused in my mind. So  what you are suggesting is that some file injection feature is part of the api - but in an optional section. And the api would provide a way to query what in the optional section is available?

What would be nice would be to pick either the Rackspace or the EC2 way of injection, and make that the "normal" way - and emulate it if really needed (in the driver if necessary) for the other (I think that would be possible to do the EC2 way in Rackspace without too much trouble). In time cloud providers would possibly provide it anyway.

If its discovering 2 different ways to do file injection, I don't think I would like that (unless 1 type is a super set of the other type - if you follow what I mean).