Ben Williams proposed the idea that members of the design team attending
FUDcon Blacksburg could hold a 1-2 day workshop for Virginia Tech (the
host of this FUDcon) students, faculty, and staff to introduce them to
free & open source design tools & techniques. Here are some ideas of
things we could do (please feel free to respond with your own):
- An overview of all of the tools that are available with demos of each
and a questions & answers period for each (Gimp, Inkscape, Blender,
Scribus, MyPaint, Alchemy, SwatchBooker, Xournal, Darktable, Shotwell,
LibreOffice, etc. etc. etc.)
- A few project-based deep dives into specific tools:
- Creating charts & diagrams with Inkscape
- Creating comic books with Inkscape
- Correcting red eye in photos with the Gimp
- Creating a celebrity portraits in Gimp
- Creating a flyer in Scribus
- Your idea here
- A project-based workshop that crosses tools, e.g.:
- Creating a newsletter using Gimp for photo manip, Inkscape for the
logo, and Scribus for the layout
- Creating a 3D character using Blender for modeling and bringing it
into Gimp or Inkscape for painting
- Your idea here
I have taught courses / have content for *some* of the above ideas
(charts & diagrams, comic books, celebrity portraits) so those would be
quicker to prep for I think.
If you are planning / hoping to attend FUDcon and would be interested in
helping out with such a course (which is a great outreach opportunity to
help more folks make use of our tools) would you mind replying to let me
I'd like to put together a proposal for Ben by Monday (24 Oct). He needs
to know what we can do no later than Nov 1 I think because he has to
book a room(s) and get the word out before the end of the semester