That hot dog is so cute :) I like it!
On Wed, Feb 22, 2012 at 6:00 AM, <
design-team-request(a)> wrote:
> Send design-team mailing list submissions to
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> Today's Topics:
> 1. Fedora 17 Alpha Release Banner (Alexander Smirnov)
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Message: 1
> Date: Wed, 22 Feb 2012 14:35:26 +0300
> From: Alexander Smirnov <inkscaper(a)>
> To: Fedora Design Team <design-team(a)>
> Subject: [Design-team] Fedora 17 Alpha Release Banner
> Message-ID:
> <CAJB_CCdWgwBBPj-=DaQbtxfZ9b6dTBHHX1FSsBOEz7ceYPpgCQ(a)
> >
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
> Hi team,
> I'm sending "Hot dog's time" alpha release website banner concept to our
> submition wiki page [1].
> [1] -
> Thanks,
> Alexander.
> -------------- next part --------------
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> >
> ------------------------------
> _______________________________________________
> design-team mailing list
> design-team(a)
> End of design-team Digest, Vol 34, Issue 11
> *******************************************
Greetings, Design Team.
My name is Phil. I'm quite new to fedora, but I've tried some Distros
so far and Fedora seems to be the right one for me.
My Experience: I've gotten used to Gimp and am currently working on
getting my way around Inkscape. I would love to learn more about
working at/with wallpapers and/or other artwork.
Looking through the Trac Tickets, I would be interested in working on
#209, so I wondered whether it is still recent, whether someone else
is working on it or whether it is even needed?
Link to #209:
Thank you for your time,
I'd like approval to slightly vary the lozenge colour for the Remix Logo
(secondary mark) for the Raspberry Pi project. Ticket 215 filed at:
Thanks for considering this.
Everyday new users come asking for help and learn about FOSS, and our way
to help them is through Fedora. We know that there are a LOT of tutorial on
internet, but most of them are on *text* format and yet, people love to see
things on *video*. (even more if they are multilanguage)
Probably, there is a huge list of videos already on internet, but they
aren't organized, so our new contributor Nitesh Narayan Lal [1] from India
would like to come up with some web-based site where people can easily find
them (or at least where we can recomend a list of videos that might be
useful for new contributors)
Talking with Mark Terranova at FUDCon Blacksburg, we got this idea of make
a simple *video join page* where we will have a small list of videos where
people can easily understand and complete the different steps that must be
followed to be part of Fedora, or any specific group. Is easier for a
contributor to record a tutorial, lets say, 10min, instead spend 30min
writing it.
Nitesh has started with some easy tutorials (some that he has done and some
collected) and we would love that, if any of you are interested on this
idea, please, join us next thursday Feb-02 at 1530UTC [2] on #Fedora-Design
, so we can work on this idea and bring even more knowledge to our
Maria Gracia Leandro
LinuxUser= 440285 GPG Public Key: E1CDCC56
I'm Jorge, I'm designer, I live at Buenos Aires, Argentina,
and you can count on me for whatever fedora needs.
I'll be here at my email and at the irc as Jorge_Avila.
So, I hope to hear from you folks!
Hi to all fellow artists,
the following Tuesday (31 January) is the deadline for Alpha wallpaper
polish. I've updated all the wiki pages [1] and mentioned there the
fireworks concept as a winner -- with the referenced image from
colorisation deadline (17 January). I also prepared an early package
[2] to test (and to save some work later ;)). I've tested it in XFCE
only, so if people could give it a spin in GNOME (shell/panel) and/or
KDE and see if it works, it would be welcome :)
I'll submit the package for inclusion in Fedora probably at Wednesday
so a reviewer would be welcome by then.