On Mon, Mar 11, 2013 at 6:58 PM, Matthias Clasen <mclasen(a)redhat.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I would love to see F19 make a good first impression. The first time you
> see something Fedora-related on the screen currently is the graphical grub
> screen, followed by the filling-in-Fedora of Plymouth, followed by the gdm
> login screen. Grub in particular is problematic, with a starfield
> background that looks like a Fedora background from a few releases ago and
> a progress bar that indicates the progress in 'booting the bootloader'.
> There are also some issues on the login screen, with Fedora logo being at
> small-print size right now.
> I think a few simple changes we can make a big improvement to the visual
> experience for F19:
> - Turn off the graphical grub screen
> Even if we are not able to suppress the boot menu entirely, or having a
> clean boot menu like this:
> https://raw.github.com/gnome-design-team/gnome-mockups/master/system-lock-l…,
> avoiding the graphical screen will be a win in terms of reduced visual
> noise.
> - Switch to a simple spinner for the plymouth theme
> This theme is available in plymouth today:
> https://raw.github.com/gnome-design-team/gnome-mockups/master/system-lock-l…
> I know when we've proposed this in the past, there was concern about
> loosing the one place where the Fedora logo is visible in the boot. I'd
> like to propose a compromise that will keep the Fedora logo _and_ improve
> the transition to the login screen: How about we use the spinner as in that
> mockup, but add a reasonably-sized Fedora logo in the top left corner.
> - Replace the small print logo on the login screen with a bigger one
> The idea here is to replace the small-print Fedora text logo that we
> currently have in that corner by the same Fedora logo thats used in
> plymouth, so that it remains unchanged as we transition from plymouth to
> gdm.
> What do you think ?
> Matthias
> --
> desktop mailing list
> desktop(a)lists.fedoraproject.org
> https://admin.fedoraproject.org/mailman/listinfo/desktop
This pretty much sums up all reasonable suggestions from the last cycle
(and adds few great ones), and I completely agree with all of them.
so ffiw, I'm completely in favour of this change.
Unfortunately, the clean bootloader mockup will be impossible to achieve
without convincing the Fedora kernel folks it's a good idea.
When Mo reworked the boot menu she wanted to have "Fedora" and "Advanced
options for Fedora" listing all the older kernels. It worked, but the
kernel package didn't use grub2-config and used grubby instead so newly
installed kernels are still added to the main menu. After a discussion in
-devel, the kernel folks listed many technical problems with using
grub2-config (in short: it sucks), and one other argument (that I strictly
disagree with) was that the Fedora userbase is made of users who want to
easily switch kernels for debugging needs and the submenu makes it harder
on them.
Although the latter argument is a complete pile of nonsense, the technical
problems with grub2-config still stand, and your mockup doesn't include the
ability to boot older kernels (this is unfortunately needed because, well,
we suck. Sometimes kernel updates screws things up and we don't want to
leave the user with a non-booting machine. If any of you can think of a
more elegant solution for this problem, I'd be curious to hear it).
I'm not sure if we can fix the grub2-config problems... it is flawed by
design. But perhaps this type of menu will be possible once we drop grub
and start using another bootloader, ie. Gummiboot.
-Elad Alfassa.
Hi all,
I recently post to a blog aobut Fedora:
Some comments are interesting....
*Yours sincerely,*
*Christopher Meng*
Got problems with Windows? - ReBoot
Got problems with Linux? - Be Root
Ambassador/Contributor of Fedora Project and many others.
On Fri, Mar 8, 2013 at 5:30 PM, <design-team-request(a)lists.fedoraproject.org
> wrote:
> Send design-team mailing list submissions to
> design-team(a)lists.fedoraproject.org
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> https://admin.fedoraproject.org/mailman/listinfo/design-team
> or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to
> design-team-request(a)lists.fedoraproject.org
> You can reach the person managing the list at
> design-team-owner(a)lists.fedoraproject.org
> When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
> than "Re: Contents of design-team digest..."
> Today's Topics:
> 1. Re: F19 Alpha Wallpaper (Lailah)
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Lailah <lailahfsf(a)gmail.com>
> To: design-team(a)lists.fedoraproject.org
> Cc:
> Date: Wed, 06 Mar 2013 13:12:54 -0200
> Subject: Re: [Design-team] F19 Alpha Wallpaper
> **
> El dom, 03-03-2013 a las 22:10 +0100, Martin Sourada escribió:
> On Sat, 02 Mar 2013 21:09:22 -0800
> Luya Tshimbalanga wrote:
> > On Sat 02 Mar 2013 10:00:07 AM PST, Marco Scannadinari wrote:> > @Máirín, shouldn't we go with one of these:> > https://s-media-cache-ec8.pinimg.com/originals/17/1b/80/171b80cdeaecaa98890…> > http://artboard.cloud.fedoraproject.org/artboard/_images/6a324a02a4c663f4e3…> > ... Which had the most likes (5 and 4 respectively) on Pinterest?> > #4 is very much the variant of what Mo posted. I think it will be > better for Martin to submit one static version and another dynamic > combining both.
> So, I went with what Máirín reffed, added the 151 from artboard, done some
> quick colour manipulation to add two more and ended up with animated
> wallpaper for Gnome, Cinnamon and Mate. Máirín's version is used for night,
> 151 is used for dawn, the other two are day (I tried making it slightly
> brighter than dawn and plain blue, without yellow or purple tints) and dusk
> (darkish, with purple tint). Feedback welcomed, the animation XML is put
> together rather quickly, if you want to play with the time settings in there,
> you're welcomed to, too. Of course new, better pictures are welcomed as
> well (the originals are 1600x1200, so I've done some cropping and scaling
> to get our usual sizes) ;-)
> News in the packaging:
> ======================
> * We don't ship dual screen wallpapers anymore so it does not make sense to
> have -single subpackage, I renamed it to -base
> * The animation/sizes xml is shared between gnome and mate, so I put it into
> -base/-animated. The non-animated is "hidden" - we don't want to confuse
> users by having two "same" backgrounds to choose from
> * I added support for Mate -> -mate subpackage.
> Name troubles:
> ==============
> Fedora 19 release name is Schrödinger's Cat. There are two issues with
> that. Letter ö is hard to write --> people installing by hand would have
> issues. Common transcription seems to be oe, i.e. Schroedinger's Cat.
> Character "'" needs to be escaped in terminal so it's better to omit, but that
> would create plural noun... So I omitted the "s" as well in the package name,
> going for schroedinger-cat-backgrounds. Hope this is acceptable. If you have
> better suggestions, speak up! BTW. wikipedia redirects Schroedinger Cat to
> Schrödinger's Cat, so it's not entirely my own creation ;-)
> How to test:
> ============
> * Gnome/Cinnamon install
> schroedinger-cat-backgrounds{-base,-animated,-gnome}. Use *gnome* tools to
> change the background. It works in Cinnamon, but due to being xml, it does
> not show in its chooser (someone who actually uses Cinnamon should fill a
> bug about that)
> * Mate install schroedinger-cat-backgrounds{-base,-animated,-mate}.
> * KDE install schroedinger-cat-backgrounds{-base,-kde}.
> * XFCE install schroedinger-cat-backgrounds{-base,-xfce}
> * LXDE and others install schroedinger-cat-backgrounds-base, the pictures
> are then located in /usr/share/backgrounds/schroedinger-cat/default/*
> The mentioned packages are in:http://mso.fedorapeople.org/packages/RPMS/noarch/
> If no one speaks up about the mentioned changes/issues, I'll submit the
> package for review at Tuesday.
> Thanks,
> Martin
> _______________________________________________
> Fine to me!
> *Cheers,*
> *Lailah*
> _______________________________________________
> design-team mailing list
> design-team(a)lists.fedoraproject.org
> https://admin.fedoraproject.org/mailman/listinfo/design-team
Hi everyone,
Fedora Kid is nearly ready for production, save for a few skinning
tweaks and texturing. Please, have a look and critique it before I
finalize the skinning process.
I think it should open in any Blender 2.6.x version.
Should there be some elaborate eye-lids?
Your comments please
Hi all,
I'm not fully up2date with $(SUBJECT), but according to jreznik's schedule
[1] I'm supposed to package alpha wallpaper starting today. So my question is
-- are we slipping or is there something concrete I should package?
[1] http://fedorapeople.org/groups/schedule/f-19/f-19-design-tasks.html
Hi all! (and sorry for post to sooo many lists)
As we already have a final schedule (for a three weeks now) and we're
getting closer to release windmills - I'd like to make the schedule
easy to use for everyone (and that means for me too), to be sure
it makes sense etc. And inform you about recent changes I did to schedule
,plans but also I'm going to ask you for a little assistance.
These are a few changes/or requests for your feedback:
1. from F19, schedule moved to FPGM neutral site [1], you can get
there from standard wiki schedule page.
2. cleanup
Over the time, schedule got messy, some teams are even not aware what
a specific milestone means, why it's there, many times it's historical
relict and even collective memory does not work to remember what's
the reason to have it in schedule. On the other hand, I don't want
to remove anything people still relies on, based on my "common sense".
So please, take a look and let me know (some people already contacted
me and I work it in asap).
3. links in schedule
Thanks to Robyn, with her great TJ foo skillz, I'm now able to link
milestones in schedule to wiki and SOPs. Fedora QA asked for that,
I'll try to match as many as possible by myself but if you want to
link specific event to specific url, let me know.
4. future of scheduling, for F20+
For F19, we used a different way to schedule, based on the scope
of submitted features. It worked quite well from developers POV but
we completely forgot other teams and made the scheduling of theirs
tasks harder. I created a FESCo ticket [2], please take a look
(and comment it if you have ideas!). Also we would like to start
F20 as early as possible so the submission period should start
at F19 branch date (or shortly after) to let people propose the
ideas in advance.
5. new TJ3
And the main goal of the move, cleanups and so on is to jump on TJ3
board - I have initial port done, but a lot of changes are needed
and I'd like to start with TJ3 based schedule from a clean old one.
Btw. with any question, ping me, report ideas to schedule Trac [3]
and you know ;-)
[1] http://fedorapeople.org/groups/schedule
[2] https://fedorahosted.org/fesco/ticket/1092
[3] https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-project-schedule/