The last thread on the lock screen wallpaper got me thinking. Perhaps we
should put a proposal in to the Workstation Working group to refresh the
current wallpapers that are available by default and shipped in the
default install. Currently we ship the Default fedora wallpaper for the
release, the default GNOME wallpaper for the release, and a bunch of
(quite old) other wallpapers.
My thought is that we ship:
* the current default Fedora wallpaper and lock screen (of course :) )
* the default GNOME wallpaper
* a set of (maybe 10-15) of the best supplemental wallpapers from all
the previous Fedora supplemental wallpapers.
WE would still run the supplemental wallpaper contest for each release,
and provide that as an optional package as we have always done. We could
also include the best supplemental wallpaper (as voted) as a new
installed as default one (in addition to the 10-15 i mentioned above)
the Workstation WG is meeting tomorrow to talk features for f22, so if
there is a consensus, i could take it to them at the meeting tomorrow.