This is badge design for an event happening tomorrow, can any design team members who might be around be able to double-check the artwork and set as artwork_approved if it's good to go?
Hi folks,
With the new getfedora.org, we've started using OpenSans in a lot of design work for body text and have phased out using Cantarell for that purpose. Similarly, while we still use Comfortaa for our sublogos (for teams and projects), we've started using Montserrat for headlines and titles.
So I have updated the logo usage guidelines accordingly:
The ticket for the update is here (we discussed in the meeting today):
I also filed a font wishlist request for packaging Montserrat, since it is not yet packaged in Fedora (OpenSans is, though.) Here's how to get the 'new' fonts:
* Open Sans: dnf install texlive-opensans (you can also download from http://opensans.com and double-click on the ttf files)
* Montserrat: download from fontsquirrel - the OTF has a lot more weights than the TTF. https://www.fontsquirrel.com/fonts/montserrat?q[term]=montserrat&q[search_c…
Changing the default wallpaper in a Fedora Alpha release requires
several packages to change:
* f{number}-backgrounds -- new background package
* desktop-backgrounds -- settings for GNOME and other desktops to
refer to the new images
* ?? -- settings for KDE
The Alpha release criteria specify the default background has to look
different from the previous release. Therefore, because not all the
above changes were coordinated in time, Alpha is in a bit of a fire
drill right now to make changes.
Can we come up with a solution to make sure future releases not only
get the new wallpaper, but also that the appropriate maintainers are
notified, so they can change packages in time for Alpha?
Paul W. Frields http://paul.frields.org/
gpg fingerprint: 3DA6 A0AC 6D58 FEC4 0233 5906 ACDB C937 BD11 3717
http://redhat.com/ - - - - http://pfrields.fedorapeople.org/
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Join Josh B. at Nerd Space
Thursday, March 24, 2016, 8:30 AM
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Hello there!
Elio here, 21 years old open designer, grown up in Germany, but currently based in Tirana, Albania. I'm pursuing my Bachelor at the University of Arts in Tirana for Multimedia, but spend my time mostly within open source projects. I'm board member of Open Labs Hackerspace [1], a non profit in Tirana devoted to promote FLOSS and open source. I'm also a Representative at Mozilla [2] where I mostly am involved with design and lead community efforts regarding everything design.
To make a living, I work as a freelance designer and author, mostly for SitePoint [3] where I lead the SitePoint Ambassadors volunteer program as a Community Manager (with inspirations from Fedora Ambassadors, I must admit).
I have been contributing to Fedora mostly locally in the last year, doing promotional materials and images for our events at Open Labs, organized by Jona Azizaj, fellow Fedora Ambassador in Albania. Although I still need Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop in my daily life, I am in the early steps of getting into GIMP and InkScape in order to disattach myself from proprietary software even more. I also speak about Open Source Design at many events, where I emphasize the importance of bringing designers and developers closer together, having a better and more open work ethic and using open formats and licenses. I pride myself thereof to be part of the Open Source Design organization [4] with which I recently gave 2 talks about at FOSDEM 2016 [5].
I write about Design, Mozilla, and Open Labs mostly on my blog [6] and post some design snippets on my Dribbble from time to time [7].
I'd be happy to contribute with some of my time to Fedora, as I love the feeling of belonging in an open source community, and Fedora is one of them which stays true to its ideals.Although there might be some struggles until I fully switch from Adobe Illustrator to InkScape, please don't hesitate to assign design tasks to me to have a go at.
Looking forward to work with you!
[1] http://openlabs.cc
[2] https://reps.mozilla.org/u/elio/
[3] http://sitepoint.com
[4] http://opensourcedesign.net
[5] https://fosdem.org/2016/schedule/speaker/elio_qoshi/
[6] http://elioqoshi.me
[7] https://dribbble.com/elioqoshi