Hello everyone,
in the past we have had a tradition of sponsoring EMEA contributors that would like to attend Flock[0] but are not going to receive funding as speakers.
The allocated budget for this year was only $800, initially. The adjusted budget is even less. As we wish to assist as many contributors in need as possible, we are going to try and raise that budget. However, no promises made at this point.
This program is intended for contributors that currently reside in EMEA. Other regions may feel free to come up with similar programs for their contributors as they see fit. Priority will be given to contributors that have recently maintained a record of activity and also have some kind of work agenda for the conference (e.g. meet with fellow contributors, actively contribute on site).
In any case, the budget we are going to end up with will be limited. Most likely we will be able to offer only -partial- subsidies. Do not apply if you are not okay with that. If you are able to receive funding from other sources (e.g. your employer), please do so.
To request for sponsorship, file a ticket on the EMEA Trac[1], state the reason(s) for applying and what you expect to accomplish by attending the conference. Deadline should be July 5, 23:59:59 UTC +0. All tickets will be later evaluated by FAmSCo, same as last time.
We will get back to you once we have more information regarding the budget. Please spread the news to your fellow Fedorians.
Thank you and good luck!
[0] https://flocktofedora.org/
[1] https://fedorahosted.org/emea-swag-tracking/
Giannis Konstantinidis
giannisk on irc.freenode.net
Hi everybody :)
A project I'm working on is converting the cloud edition page of getfedora.org to be the "Atomic" edition, and mocking up a new "cloud images" site (similar to the ARM site) for the cloud stuff. This is something the Cloud WG has been talking about for a few months.
Anyway, since I was mocking up the changes to the getfedora.org front page, I thought maybe it could use a little revamp / tidying up / whatnot. Here is the mockup I came up with, although note there's a few effects I'd like to see:
- the white bar on top is fixed
- clicking on the arrows or scrolling down could activate some nice animation kinds of scrolling with the backgrounds
- hovering over each edition has a little animation where the download link is revealed
What do you think? Any feedback / suggestions / critique?
Source is in the nextweb-assets repo on github under fedoradesign.
We're having a meeting today in roughly 1 hour and 20 minutes... 10 AM
ET, which is.... 1400 UTC I believe. I may be a few minutes late because
I have a 9:30 meeting right before it.
Hello Design team!
Earlier this month, mizmo put in some feedback about a discussion
happening on the CommOps Trac, regarding communication about the process
for requesting artwork / design assets for Ambassadors, from the Design
I penned this wiki page a bit ago as a "draft" to help break down the
process and document what is expected / desired / wished for when
Ambassadors contact the Design Team about printing or creating new
assets or printed material.
Before working on socializing this page across the project, I was hoping
to receive some more input from Design team members about this page and
if it meets expectations and aligns to what you all wish to see in the
communications between both sub-projects.
Ideally, a lot of this will be alleviated as well in the distant future
with the creation of FOSCo and new tools like Fedora Hubs, but in the
meanwhile, hopefully documenting the process for current and future
Ambassadors before this time will be helpful. This outline may also be a
useful resource for future groups that come along as well.
Please let me know what you think, and feel free to add any edits as you
all see fit. Thanks for your time!
Justin W. Flory
Makeuseof website has a highlighted Fedora Design Suite from their
article "6 Linux Distros Designed for Artists, Musicians and Editors"
and also called it as *"Fedora Design Suite: Best of the Basics"*
/"//*Highlights:*//Fedora Design Suite does a great job of introducing
you to graphic design via its extensive //list of tutorials
<https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Design_Suite/Tutorials>//, which is
accessible from the main Applications menu. As for bundled software,
//Entangle <https://entangle-photo.org/>//is a fantastic app /that lets
you control a digital camera from your computer."
Full article:/
Luya Tshimbalanga
Graphic & Web Designer
E: luya(a)fedoraproject.org
W: http://www.coolest-storm.net
Hi folks,
Okay so we've had some hiccups with our time shifting / every other => weekly meeting shift. Here's where we're at right now:
* Tomorrow (Wed June 22) there will be a meeting. We're calling this timeslot #2. It's at 7:30 AM ET (3:30 UTC.) (see https://apps.fedoraproject.org/calendar/design/2016/6/20/#m3902 )
* Next Thursday (Thu June 30) there will be a meeting - timeslot #1. It's at 10:00 AM ET (6:00 UTC.) (https://apps.fedoraproject.org/calendar/design/2016/6/27/#m3152)
These times will alternate every week. I'll send out some extra reminders like this until we get back in sync.
Hope to see you at the next meeting!
Enviado do meu dispositivo Samsung
-------- Mensagem original --------
De : Máirín Duffy <duffy(a)redhat.com>
Data: 21/06/2016 4:04 PM (GMT-03:00)
Para: Fedora Design Team <design-team(a)lists.fedoraproject.org>
Cc: Mary Shakshober <mshaksho(a)redhat.com>, Radhika Kolathumani <rkolathu(a)redhat.com>
Assunto: [Design-team] Design Team FAD - need some help!
Hi folks,
So we're a go for the Design Team FAD late next month.
Part of the event is an outreach event we wanted to do in the local
community - a badges hackfest.
I created an eventbrite registration page for it so we can try to
advertise the event and see what kind of interest we get.
Can you sanity-check what I came up with? Does it make sense?
Particularly, I'm looking for advice from Marie & Maria since you both
have run badge workshops before.
Here is the link:
I capped the event at 30 participants but we can up that if you think
it'd make sense.
I haven't advertised this yet, but my plan is to advertise to the local
community Facebook page, to local schools, and to Red Hat employees
(maybe their kids would want to come.)
design-team mailing list