I'm a UX designer + web dev in the Red Hat Brisbane office and I'm really
interested in contributing to the Fedora design project. I work currently
on Zanata, the translation system (which Fedora uses), and Red Hat
certification UX.
I have been using Fedora workstation for a while now and have bumped
shoulders with contributors here in Brisbane who suggested I get in touch.
I have a strong UX and web development background and have just completed a
PhD in interactive design so please, reach out if there is any way I can
help anyone out.
I will keep an eye on the design service queue also to see where I can
contribute, and am in #fedora-design with the nick kgough.
Kindest regards
[image: photo]
Kathryn Gough
Web Developer
Red Hat, Inc
61 7 3514 7119 // au.redhat.com // kgough(a)redhat.com // Brisbane, AU
Greetings Badgers!
Infrastructure would like to create a plan to move the Badges wiki and
trac instance to Pagure. Pagure is our own git repository service for
the web. Any Fedora contributor can create a repository at Pagure.io -
more info in FedoraMag;
Moving projects from fedorahosted to pagure would help us modernize our
infrastrcture. See email from Nirik:
I need input (suggestions, corrections, constructive shouting) from
people that use badges Trac or Wiki. Can you please answer a couple of
- Any concerns with using Pagure?
- Are there any use cases where opening issues on Pagure would not be
a functional replacement for Trac tickets?
- Badges has a pretty big history. As you go back through time in git,
how far back is important? Do we need a year's history? More? Less?
- Is anyone using the .stl files to print physical badges? Is anyone
communicating with vendors regarding printing badges?
sayan(a)fedoraproject.org suggested that instead of creating an
.stl file for every badge, creation of the .stl file could be
requested with a tagged issue. (This would help us manage space and
time requirements.) Is anyone opposed?
In terms of how the workflows would transition, I am thinking;
- Trac Tickets ---> Pagure Ticket/Issue Templates
- Suggest a Badge Issue
- Report A bug Issue
- New Badge Workflow on Trac ---> Adding Tags to Pagure Issue
- Proposed
- Triaged (Does it have artwork concept + Description)
- Artwork
- NEW tag for creating .stl file [Proposed]
- Definition
- Ready (for deployment)
- Bug Issue ---> Tagged Issue
- New
- Triaged
- Resolved
- Proposed request for .stl file after creation
- New
- Resolved
- Badges Wiki ---> Pagure Docs Repo
- Groups in Pagure for badges
- badges-designers
- badges-design-review
- badges-admin
I will begin creating forms and putting together a project in Pagure
over the next few days. I will initially set up members of the
sysadmin-badges FAS group with commit access to the testing repo. If
you are interested in testing or have other suggestions, please let me
Happy Badging!
[ fedora infra/badges ]
Our next team meeting is this Thursday at 1400 UTC (10 AM Eastern) - I
think we should definitely talk about the workshop we're doing as part
of the FAD.
This is our event announcement:
I made 30 slots and we already have 19 folks registered! So in terms of
community outreach I think we're doing great. I was worried we'd have a
hard time getting folks to come with the FAD out in Westford.
We should talk about how we'll organize the event - who is teaching
what. My rough thoughts are:
- We begin by helping people install Inkscape on their laptops, not sure
how long to spend on this, maybe 30 min or so
- Then we should do general Inkscape instruction... I have a deck I've
given several times. I can make it go 30 - 60 minutes depending on our
needs. I know Sirko has a lot of material too (eg last Flock's Inkscape
course.) So we should figure out what we want to do here.
- I was hoping maybe Marie and Maria would give the badge workshop
slides after that.
- Then we could do an open lab session and help people pick a badge and
work on it.
- Throughout the event whoever isn't teaching up front can wander around
and try to help people at their computers.
Anyway we can talk about it more at the meeting? But just some rough
thoughts, let me know if they make sense and if you have ideas.
Hi everybody,
for quite some time now, Fedora has been discussing the idea of FOSCo,
the Fedora Outreach Steering Committee, a body to coordinate all our
outreach efforts. Now it's time to make it happen!
On behalf of FAmSCo and the Fedora Council, I'd like to invite all of
you to an all-hands
FOSCo brainstorm meeting on
Monday, August 18th at 13:00 UTC
in #fedora-council on freenode
So far, the following participants have confirmed attendance:
* Ambassadors: cwickert, giannisk, gnokii, mailga, potty, tuanta
* Council: mattdm
* Design team: gnokii
* Marketing: jflory7
* CommOps: jflory7
* Websites: mailga
* Docs: zoglesby
* g11n: noriko
The fact that we already have a good team of volunteers should not
stop you from attending, in fact, we would like to hear more voices
from all stakeholders. The more, the better!
To get an idea what FAmSCo has been working on so far, please have a look at
https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FOSCo and
None of this is set in stone yet, and we feel we need your input
before we go any further. We are looking forward to your input and to
meet you next Monday!
Best regards,