Hey Ramya!So if you check out the ticket at https://pagure.io/design/issue/704 - there's links to the Discourse theming guides and even a test system test out themes.I think a first big step would be to get the header design from the ticket working in a discourse theme. Seem doable?Also Ben from another thread here is interested in this task as well so maybe you can work together?~mSent from my Galaxy
-------- Original message --------From: Ramya Parimi <rlp.parimi(a)gmail.com> Date: 11/25/20 4:56 PM (GMT-05:00) To: Fedora Design Team <design-team(a)lists.fedoraproject.org> Subject: [Design-team] Re: New Contributor Hello Mairin,Thank you for getting back to me so quickly. This sounds very interesting. I would love to be part of the theming idea. Please let me know how I can help. Are there some template design codes that are previously used which I can refer to..Thank youRamyaBest,RamyaOn Wed, Nov 25, 2020 at 3:40 PM Máirín Duffy <duffy(a)redhat.com> wrote:Hi Ramya!
Oh and this could be helpful:
The ticket with the details :)
Ar 11/25/20 4:29 PM, scríobh Máirín Duffy:
> Welcome to the team! What do you think about developing a theme for
> our Discourse at discussions.fedoraproject.org? I have a mockup I've
> been working on but we need help implementing it. Let me know if you
> are interested.
Hi Ben!That sounds awesome - we'd love your help! Have you seen the ticket?https://pagure.io/design/issue/704There's some getting started info there on Discourse theming. What do you think? Ramya is interested in helping too so maybe you could work together?~mSent from my Galaxy
-------- Original message --------From: Ben Court <accounts(a)bencourt.co.uk> Date: 11/25/20 4:40 PM (GMT-05:00) To: design-team(a)lists.fedoraproject.org Subject: [Design-team] Web developer looking to contribute Hi everyone,I recently joined the Fedora join SIG (introduction message is here https://lists.fedoraproject.org/archives/list/fedora-join@lists.fedoraproje…) and I’m looking for ways I can help contribute to the project. As I'm a front end develop I thought it might be worth joining this group as well.I managed to watch some of Máirín’s live stream of the discourse design earlier and wanted to offer my skills to help with implementing the design.Ben
Hello everyone,
I am a newbie in the web development world. I am looking to contribute
while enhancing my skills in this field. I am hands-on with HTML and CSS. I
am willing to contribute to anything around web designing and web
Thank you
Ramya Parimi
Hello everyone,
Mi name is Oore pronounced (ohray). I'm Nigerian, I'm an outreachy
applicant. I know I'm a little late to contributions, but this is because
I've been having my final exams. I look forward to contributing and working
with you.
Is there a actually working way to convert ase to gpl? I have a palette
here with rough 1300 colors, I would need as gpl.
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Any idea, dont want to spent 2 weeks writing the palette by hand
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