Hi Ayesha,

Are you all set now? I remember speaking to you in *Element* this morning so I think you must be ok now? (Unless we have two Ayeshas applying? :-) )

The freenode web client is like 15 years old if not older and I wouldn't recommend it to anyone - it's terrible and outdated. If you can let me know where you saw instructions to use it, please let me know so I can update them. I apologize that we have a lot of dated instructions on our wiki.

For anyone having issues, this is the best link for Fedora Design chat:


It will prompt you to use a client called Element. This is a modern, fully-featured chat/voip/video call client that is available for mobile, desktop, and web browser. If you dont want to install anything you can just use the web browser version of element available at https://element.io. If you create an account, it will save history and when you close the app and come back later, you will be able to catch up on what you missed.

If you are still having trouble getting chat to work please dont hesitate to ask me for help.


On October 10, 2020 6:12:29 AM EDT, Ayesha Maqsood <ayeshamaqsood30@gmail.com> wrote:
Whenever I try to reload my Freenode chat page with every reload I've to enter the detail and add the channels from the start and by doing this I'm not able to see any previous messages. Can anyone help me with this issue?

Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.