Hi folks,

We are wrapping up a blog post for Fedora Women's Day and we would love to have a custom banner to use. Any other graphics to include would be a welcome bonus :) Please take a look at the ticket, jump in and create something, or feel free to ask any follow up questions.

Design ticket:

Commblog banner repo:

I added a bunch of content to the ticket to use:
Graphics that we used during the FWD event (easy to remix this)
Poll results (could be made into a fun infographic!)
Statistics from the event (same, infographic would be cool)
Screenshots of the speakers (could be included in banner somehow, or made into a collage with some graphic elements to add throughout the post)

Thanks in advance!


Marie Nordin

Fedora Community Action and Impact Coordinator

Red Hat Fedora Project


T: +1.973.800.4967

IRC: riecatnor