
I might be beating an old horse, but I have a question:

Why can't the blue fedora be used in reference to the Fedora project?

Now before everyone starts dancing to the rattle of their keyboards, let me clear up a few things.
  1. I don't want the hat to be the logo
  2. I like our current logo
  3. I've seen "The making of the Fedora Logo" on redhat.com

Why do I want to use the hat?
The answer really stems from an artistic standpoint. Characters such as os-tans, linux penguins, etc. look really good with the hat. I like those characters. I understand that the logo could be affixed to those, but it looks weird as anything other than a badge for a shirt.

What follows is my counter to the page on the Fedora wiki.

The hats you might have seen elsewhere were not Fedora logos
. You might have seen the red hat that was passed down from Fedora's Red Hat Linux lineage
I don't want to use a red hat.
Other hats have been community creations and never had any official connection to Fedora. Use our logo and avoid using hats to represent Fedora since we want Fedora to have its own independent brand.
I understand the need to seperate ourselves from Red Hat Linux, but Fedora is a fork of a former version of Red Hat. Furthermore, Fedora is in the name, making a direct reference to the shadowman's topper. Lastly, when combined with the official colour scheme, the fedora(not referencing the red hat design, most logos don't use it) does an extremely good job at representing Fedora Linux.

Thanks for your time.

Kamisamanou Burgess