Tuned is an excellent tool to monitoring system and apply profile-based
configurations. This tool is very powerful and its use is relegated to
the servers systems, however, it can be put to good use for fedora
Workstation for users seeking advanced settings via a user interface
For example, a good use of tuned in the Workstation is the advanced
power management, even with the possibility of using custom profiles
through powerTOP (laptop users). My experience says that in most cases I
have used systems tuned for that purpose, there has been an increase in
battery life (is not the only use case).
Part of my proposal considers:
• Improve the design of tuned-gtk (like gnome-tweak-tool design)
• Add categories to target profiles to facilitate user choice (Eg.
Workstation, Cloud and Server)
• Add/modify new default tuned profiles for desktop/laptop use, similar
to those available in the "tuned-profiles-compat" package
• Add settings to create a powerTOP profile or add it from a report
(html file)
All these options would expect for an average user or an advanced user
to enhance the options available for their device.
I intend to present it in the list and not directly to the authors, is
that this tool can greatly improve the user experience for the target
audience of fedora workstation. For example, the web is full of requests
"to improve power consumption in Linux" and there are several responses
that lead to programs that do not have a user interface and are
complicated to use. Tuned-gtk would be used for the range of user need
only choose a predefined profile to those who want to create their own
custom profiles graphically.
When I talk about advanced users, I'm making the parallel with the
application gnome-tweak-tool, but the big problem here is that the user
needs root permissions to use the application, although a change in this
area would help the whole family derived from fedora, as RHEL or CentOS.