============================================== #fedora-meeting-2: Workstation WG (2021-10-19) ==============================================
Meeting started by brainycmurf at 16:23:11 UTC. The full logs are available at https://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-meeting-2/2021-10-19/workstation.20... .
Meeting summary --------------- * Rollcall (brainycmurf, 16:23:28) * present: Tom, Chris, Michael, Matthias, Neal, Owen, Allan, Kalev (brainycmurf, 16:23:29) * regrets: (brainycmurf, 16:23:29) * present guests: fborges (brainycmurf, 16:23:29)
* Approval of October 12 minutes (brainycmurf, 16:23:29) * LINK: https://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/teams/workstation/workstation.2021-10-12-2... (brainycmurf, 16:23:29) * AGREED: No objections - agreed (brainycmurf, 16:23:31)
* Announcements, follow-ups, status reports (brainycmurf, 16:23:33) * Allan: New working group landing page on docs site (https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/workstation-working-group/ ) (brainycmurf, 16:23:35)
* State of Fedora Workstation 35 under freeze (brainycmurf, 16:23:38) * LINK: https://qa.fedoraproject.org/blockerbugs/milestone/35/final/buglist (brainycmurf, 16:23:40) * LINK: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=2001837 still an issue. Have had multiple rounds of fixes and testing. Owen still helping out here, but thinks we have an initial working solution. (brainycmurf, 16:23:42)
* Fedora Workstation release schedule / check list (brainycmurf, 16:23:47) * LINK: https://pagure.io/fedora-workstation/issue/250 (brainycmurf, 16:23:51) * Please check over the list and suggest necessary additions (Tomas will ask Adam Williamson to review) (brainycmurf, 16:23:53) * Tomas asks how it should be tracked: file issues in pagure, shared google calendar, Fedora schedule page. Last option is likely best, but how do we track the actionable? Neal says that could use milestones in Pagure, possibly, but we should see how the calendar looks first so we have a concrete idea. Tomas - should be responsibility of workstation chair. (brainycmurf, 16:23:56)
* Fedora 36 chair (brainycmurf, 16:24:01) * Allan volunteers - may need to delegate topics where he has a contrarian view or that are highly technical. (brainycmurf, 16:24:03) * AGREED: Allan will be the chair for the Fedora 36 cycle (brainycmurf, 16:24:06) * AGREED: Chris will be the vice/backup chair for the cycle (brainycmurf, 16:24:08)
* Supporting status notifiers in Fedora Workstation by default (brainycmurf, 16:24:10) * LINK: https://pagure.io/fedora-workstation/issue/246 (brainycmurf, 16:24:12) * Hans de Goede (co-maintainer of current extensions) feels it would be suitable for inclusion as is (brainycmurf, 16:24:14) * Allan has been doing research - trying out different implementations on Linux, looking what Mac/Windows do. Will talk to peers at Canonical, etc. Asks about whether this is a) something that we are including purely for compatibility with other platforms b) something that we want to recommend in other circumstances. (brainycmurf, 16:24:17) * question raised whether we should enable extension by default now in rawhide - Allan would like to have some time for design and discussion - and does not thing that we should enable it if it has xembed support that is broken for apps like dropbox and hexchat. (Thought is that probably if we don't have xembed enabled, dropbox will work via app-indicators.) (brainycmurf, 16:24:23) * Neal suggests that if you install the RPM, it should be turned on by default without an additional step. people were generally OK with this. (brainycmurf, 16:24:28) * ACTION: Neal will look into what that involves (brainycmurf, 16:24:31)
Meeting ended at 16:26:56 UTC.
Action Items ------------ * Neal will look into what that involves
Action Items, by person ----------------------- * Neal * Neal will look into what that involves * **UNASSIGNED** * (none)
People Present (lines said) --------------------------- * brainycmurf (32) * zodbot (7) * : (0) * Neal (0)
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