How do I get Fedora to recognize and read a Lexar JumpDrive?
open command prompt. if you have fedora core 4, replace all instances of mnt with media.
cd /mnt/ sudo mkdir sda1 sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/sda1 (use flash drive, etc, get files, whatever, then when done:) sudo umount /dev/sda1
On 9/19/05, Gary P Carr wrote:
How do I get Fedora to recognize and read a Lexar JumpDrive?
-- Fedora-desktop-list mailing list
Am Montag, den 19.09.2005, 14:27 -0600 schrieb Gary P Carr:
How do I get Fedora to recognize and read a Lexar JumpDrive?
Why do ask this on every mailinglist if you already got response on fedora-list? This list is for "Discussions about development for the Fedora desktop", so you are better off on fedora-list.
man, 19.09.2005 kl. 22.27 skrev Gary P Carr:
How do I get Fedora to recognize and read a Lexar JumpDrive?
Is that an USB flash reader? It should be recognized automatically when you insert it, and when you insert some media, it should be mounted and pop up on your desktop.
If not, that is a bug - please file a bug against component kernel.
Thanks for the response Kyrre. From several other posts I gather that that is the standard response for FC3 or FC4. I am running FC2. Even with FC2 I should be able to see messages from dmesg showing that the system recognized the USB drive, and I should be able to mount it manually.
What I discovered on my PC (Velocity Micro) was that the USB ports in the front of the computer did not work, I saw error messages when running dmesg. The USB ports on the back of the computer worked, and I was at least able to manually mount the USB drive.
At 11:55 AM 9/20/2005, you wrote:
man, 19.09.2005 kl. 22.27 skrev Gary P Carr:
How do I get Fedora to recognize and read a Lexar JumpDrive?
Is that an USB flash reader? It should be recognized automatically when you insert it, and when you insert some media, it should be mounted and pop up on your desktop.
If not, that is a bug - please file a bug against component kernel.
-- Fedora-desktop-list mailing list
this really does need to be moved off of the dev list. please forward your previous message, including quotes, to .
this list is only for developers. even if you don't get an immediate response, please don't forward to the devlist.
On 9/20/05, Gary P Carr wrote:
Thanks for the response Kyrre. From several other posts I gather that that is the standard response for FC3 or FC4. I am running FC2. Even with FC2 I should be able to see messages from dmesg showing that the system recognized the USB drive, and I should be able to mount it manually.
What I discovered on my PC (Velocity Micro) was that the USB ports in the front of the computer did not work, I saw error messages when running dmesg. The USB ports on the back of the computer worked, and I was at least able to manually mount the USB drive.
At 11:55 AM 9/20/2005, you wrote:
man, 19.09.2005 kl. 22.27 skrev Gary P Carr:
How do I get Fedora to recognize and read a Lexar JumpDrive?
Is that an USB flash reader? It should be recognized automatically when you insert it, and when you insert some media, it should be mounted and pop up on your desktop.
If not, that is a bug - please file a bug against component kernel.
-- Fedora-desktop-list mailing list
-- Fedora-desktop-list mailing list
-- -hackmiester