Long story short I lost my home directory where I do all of my packager
activities (separate from my main user) so I'm setting things up from
I created new ssh keys and uploaded the public key to
admin.fedoraproject.org and pasted into pagure.io. It's been over an hour
and I'm still getting:
$ fedpkg clone hamlib
Cloning into 'hamlib'...
hobbes1069(a)pkgs.fedoraproject.org: Permission denied (publickey).
fatal: Could not read from remote repository.
Please make sure you have the correct access rights
and the repository exists.
Could not execute clone: Failed to execute command.
I've also updated my API tokens, which is STILL not well documented. I
pasted them in the appropriate spot in "/etc/rpkg/fedpkg.conf" which isn't
real intuitive.
Hi there, folks.
Delve[0] (a Golang debugger) was retired due to the impossibility of
building a new version of delve for dependencies issues. I would like
to claim the package and fix the situation. I already have one of the
dependencies[1] in the works.
I already talked with the original maintainer (he's in cc) and he is OK with it.
[0] https://src.fedoraproject.org/rpms/delve
[1] https://src.fedoraproject.org/rpms/golang-starlark
It's in redhat-rpm-config-118-1.fc30.
If it causes any problems for you - let me know. In the meantime, you can
use `%undefine _ld_as_needed` to disable it.
Thanks for attention!
-Igor Gnatenko
Hi folks!
So at this week's blocker review meeting, the fact that we don't have
explicit networking requirements in the release criteria really started
to bite us. In the past we have squeezed networking-related issues in
under other criteria, but for some issues that's really difficult,
notably VPN issues. So, we agreed we should draft some explicit
networking criteria.
This turns out to be a big area and quite hard to cover (who'd've
thought!), but here is at least a first draft for us to start from. My
proposal would be to add this to the Basic criteria. I have left out
some wikitext stuff from the proposal for clarity; I'd add it back in
on actually applying the proposed changes. It's just formatting stuff,
nothing that'd change the meaning. Anyone have thoughts, complaints,
alternative approaches, supplements? Thanks!
=== Network requirements ===
Each of these requirements apply to both installer and installed system
environments. For any given installer environment, the 'default network
configuration tools' are considered to be those the installer documents
as supported ways to configure networking (e.g. for anaconda-based
environments, configuration via kernel command line options, a
kickstart, or interactively in anaconda itself are included).
==== Basic networking ====
It must be possible to establish both IPv4 and IPv6 network connections
using DHCP and static addressing. The default network configuration
tools for the console and for release-blocking desktops must work well
enough to allow typical network connection configuration operations
without major workarounds. Standard network functions such as address
resolution and connections with common protocols such as ping, HTTP and
ssh must work as expected.
Footnote titled "Supported hardware": Supported network hardware is
hardware for which the Fedora kernel includes drivers and, where
necessary, for which a firmware package is available. If support for a
commonly-used piece or type of network hardware that would usually be
present is omitted, that may constitute a violation of this criterion,
after consideration of the [[Blocker_Bug_FAQ|hardware-dependent-
issues|normal factors for hardware-dependent issues]]. Similarly,
violations of this criteria that are hardware or configuration
dependent are, as usual, subject to consideration of those factors when
determining whether they are release-blocking
==== VPN connections ====
Using the default network configuration tools for the console and for
release-blocking desktops, it must be possible to establish a working
connection to common OpenVPN, openconnect-supported and vpnc-supported
VNC servers with typical configurations.
Footnote title "Supported servers and configurations": As there are
many different VPN server applications and configurations, blocker
reviewers must use their best judgment in determining whether
violations of this criterion are likely to be encountered commonly
enough to block a release, and if so, at which milestone. As a general
principle, the more people are likely to use affected servers and the
less complicated the configuration required to hit the bug, the more
likely it is to be a blocker.
Adam Williamson
Fedora QA Community Monkey
IRC: adamw | Twitter: AdamW_Fedora | XMPP: adamw AT happyassassin . net
I have the yarrow's iso files on my HD in a RH9 system. Let's say I want
to upgrade selected packages using an "apt-get install" pointing to my
iso-mounted files, how do I do it?
i.e I mount the iso into some /mnt/yarrow1, /mnt/yarrow 2 etc..
Then what is the complete procedure to make my apt look into my own HD to
upgrade packages. Can anybody redirect me to the correct
resource or some literature hanging on the web? Thanks.
Assume also that I do not wish to burn CDs! I do not want to use
apt-cdrom. Thanks.
With kind regards,
PhD student
Singapore Synchrotron Light Source (SSLS)
5 Research Link,
Singapore 117603
Email: slsbdfc at nus dot edu dot sg \or\
didierbe at sps dot nus dot edu dot sg
Website: http://ssls.nus.edu.sg
== Summary ==
Make iptables-nft the preferred iptables variant.
== Owner ==
* Name: [[User:psutter| Phil Sutter]]
* Email: psutter(a)redhat.com
== Detailed Description ==
<code>iptables-nft</code> package provides alternative implementations of
iptables, ip6tables, ebtables and arptables and associated save and restore
commands. These use nftables internally while providing the same look'n'feel as
the original tools. Users may choose between both implementations using
<code>alternatives</code> tool.
Upstream considers the traditional implementations legacy and therefore renamed
the binaries adding '-legacy' suffix. In Fedora, same has been done to
<code>arptables</code> and <code>ebtables</code> packages, namely renaming them
to <code>arptables-legacy</code> and <code>ebtables-legacy</code>. Legacy
<code>iptables</code> and <code>ip6tables</code> remain in
<code>iptables</code> package, which in fact is the only one other packages
depend upon.
To change the status quo, two measures are planned:
=== Raise priority of nft-variants in <code>alternatives</code> ===
Currently, legacy variants are installed with priority 10 and nft
variants with priority 5. This must be changed as otherwise installing
<code>iptables-legacy</code> in a system with
<code>iptables-nft</code> installed would change the active
alternative (since they are in automatic mode by default).
On the other hand, existing systems using legacy variants should not
be changed by a system update. Therefore nft variants' priorities
should be chosen to match legacy ones.
=== Rename <code>iptables</code> package ===
New name should be <code>iptables-legacy</code> which aligns with
ebtables and arptables and reflects upstream status. To resolve
dependencies, <code>Provides: iptables</code> statement will be added
to <code>iptables-nft</code> package. This should automatically change
the default variant to nft.
== Benefit to Fedora ==
* RHEL8 ships nft-variants exclusively, make Fedora align with that by
default while still providing the option to fall back to legacy tools.
* New features and improvements are likely to hit nft-variants due to
the possibility nftables backend allows for. Although at this point
some legacy features (e.g. ebtables among match) are still missing,
others are already there (like, e.g. xtables-monitor tool) or are
being upstreamed right now (improved tool performance when dealing
with large rulesets).
== Scope ==
* Proposal owners:
Changes are rather simple: Rename <code>iptables</code> package, add
<code>Provides:</code> line to <code>iptables-nft</code> package,
change priorities used when calling <code>alternatives</code>.
* Other developers: N/A
The changed tools may cause regressions among packages using them and
it affects only new installations (or those manually switched over).
So while no explicit effort is required from them, they should be made
aware of the change so they take a possible regression in iptables
into account, quickly test against legacy variant and file a ticket
(or complain to the right person) if that fixes the problem.
* Release engineering: [https://pagure.io/releng/issue/8934 #8934]
* Policies and guidelines: No change required
* Trademark approval: N/A (not needed for this Change)
== Upgrade/compatibility impact ==
Due to the package rename and <code>Provides:</code> line, upgrades will pull
in <code>iptables-nft</code> package. But due to the equal alternatives
priorities, existing choices won't be changed and so existing installations
shouldn't be harmed (apart from forced installation of
<code>iptables-nft</code> package).
Sadly, there are a few known issues, like e.g. missing support for ebtables
broute table or among match and a few iptables targets/matches. Users depending
on such features are advised to install <code>iptables-legacy</code> package
and switch variants using <code>alternatives</code>.
== How To Test ==
Any users of iptables/ebtables/arptables should switch to nft-variants using
alternatives tool (if necessary) and check that everything works as before. Any
issues should be reported despite the known compatibility issues described
above since knowledge about who uses the missing features is valuable
information for both up- and downstream.
== User Experience ==
Ideally look'n'feel shouldn't change. Since iptables-nft does not need a lock
file anymore, no problems with stale xtables-lock or parallel iptables calls in
different mount namespaces are expected anymore. Given the changes currently
being upstreamed, users dealing with large rulesets should see a performance
increase when manipulating the ruleset (lower run-times of iptables or
iptables-restore, packet processing speed should not really change).
== Dependencies ==
Other packages depending on iptables:
* NFStest
* clatd
* ctdb
* fail2ban-server
* firewalld
* fwsnort
* iptstate
* libvirt-daemon-driver-network
* libvirt-daemon-driver-nwfilter
* moby-engine
* nfacct
* origin
* podman
* psad
* python3-ipatests
* ravada
* rkt
* shorewall
* shorewall-init
* shorewall-lite
* shorewall6
* shorewall6-lite
* sshuttle
* sslsplit
* ufw
Since nft-variants are supposed to be drop-in replacements, no outside
contribution is needed in order to perform this change.
== Contingency Plan ==
* Contingency mechanism: Nothing needs to be done, the change should
be atomic.
* Contingency deadline: N/A
* Blocks release? No
== Documentation ==
* https://wiki.nftables.org/wiki-nftables/index.php/Legacy_xtables_tools
* Man pages:
** [http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man8/xtables-nft.8.html xtables-nft.8]
** [http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man8/xtables-legacy.8.html xtables-legacy.8]
** [http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man8/xtables-monitor.8.html
Ben Cotton
He / Him / His
Fedora Program Manager
Red Hat
There is a proposal[1] in upstream GlusterFS to drop 32-bit arches.
The original proposal was to drop 32-bit with GlusterFS-7. GlusterFS-7 will
land in Fedora 31/rawhide soon. More than likely though it will not be
official until GlusterFS-8, which will probably land, accordingly, after
Fedora 31 GA in Fedora 32/rawhide.
[1] https://github.com/gluster/glusterfs/issues/702
== Summary ==
Introduce Fedora Kinoite as a variant of Fedora alongside Fedora Silverblue.
== Owner ==
* Name: [[User:siosm| Timothée Ravier]] (travier AT redhat DOT com)
* FESCo shepherd: [[User:Ngompa| Neal Gompa]] (ngompa13 A gmail D com)
== Detailed Description ==
Fedora Kinoite is an immutable desktop operating system featuring the
KDE Plasma desktop. It is based on the same technologies as Fedora
Silverblue (rpm-ostree, Flatpak, podman). Fedora Kinoite is to the
Fedora KDE Spin what Fedora Silverblue is to Fedora Workstation.
We chose the Kinoite name for the following reasons:
* KDE based projects traditionally start with a 'K'
* Kinoite is a blue mineral (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kinoite)
thus referring to both the 'silver' and 'blue' part of Silverblue and
the blue color of the KDE logo.
* "Kinoite" means "There is a tree" in Japanese
thus referring to the 'tree' in 'ostree'.
== Benefit to Fedora ==
This will make Fedora more attractive to users that are interested in
immutable OSes and underlying technologies but would prefer to use the
KDE desktop environment. This should also strengthen Silverblue as
more effort may be put into fixing the issues in the shared
== Scope ==
* Proposal owners:
** The KDE SIG will submit the [https://pagure.io/pungi-fedora Pungi
changes] needed to add this new variant to the compose.
** The KDE SIG will submit the changes to add a new sub-package to
[https://src.fedoraproject.org/rpms/fedora-release fedora-release].
** The KDE SIG will maintain the Kinoite specific rpm-ostree config in
the [https://pagure.io/workstation-ostree-config
workstation-ostree-config repo].
* Other developers: N/A (not a System Wide Change)
* Release engineering: Submitted as [https://pagure.io/releng/issue/9952 #9952].
* Policies and guidelines: N/A (not a System Wide Change)
* Trademark approval: The "Fedora Kinoite" trademark has been
[https://pagure.io/Fedora-Council/tickets/issue/344 approved]
* Alignment with Objectives: N/A
== Upgrade/compatibility impact ==
N/A (not a System Wide Change)
== How To Test ==
This edition has been built and made available as an unofficial
preview and can be tested with the instructions from this
[https://fedoramagazine.org/discover-fedora-kinoite/ Fedora Magazine
== User Experience ==
Current limitations (last updated 2021-01-18):
* No rpm-ostree support in Discover (graphical package and update
manager). A Season of KDE is in progress to work on that.
* Partial Flatpak support in Discover.
* [https://pagure.io/fedora-kde/SIG/issue/13 KDE applications are not
yet available as Flatpak from the Fedora registry].
== Dependencies ==
N/A (not a System Wide Change)
== Contingency Plan ==
Report to the next release.
* Contingency mechanism: N/A (not a System Wide Change)
* Contingency deadline: N/A (not a System Wide Change)
* Blocks release? N/A (not a System Wide Change)
* Blocks product? N/A
== Documentation ==
A lot of the known issues impacting Fedora Kinoite are shared with
Silverblue and their resolution is the same:
It is not clear for now if Kinoite specific documentation is needed
but a landing page with pointer to known issues might be good.
== Release Notes ==
Fedora Kinoite has been introduced as a new variant of Fedora Linux
featuring the KDE desktop environment and the same technologies as
Silverblue (rpm-ostree, Flatpak, podman).
Ben Cotton
He / Him / His
Senior Program Manager, Fedora & CentOS Stream
Red Hat
With Fedora 33 network configuration is by default persisted in /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/*.nmconnection files. The old /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg* files are „legacy“. They are still being processed for the time being, but obviously it is time to migrate.
(cf https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Changes/NetworkManager_keyfile_instead_of_if…)
Is there a kind of „mapping“ ifcfg-* —> *-nmconnection. ?
Most items are simple to migrate, but servers in particular sometimes have unusual configurations, e.g.
- for p2p Connections: SCOPE="peer xxx.yyy.zzz.aaa"
- and corresponding a lot of (ADDRESSx / NETMASKx / GATEWAYx ) entries in route-{ifname} file
How do I handle that kind of config items in *.nmconnection ? The "search engine I trust" couldn't answer that for me (or I couldn’t ask the right question).
In the network bridges that libvirt creates there's a dnsmasq daemon to
resolve the VM's IPs. Is there any way to signal systemd-resolved from
libvirt to say that in the bridge interface there is a DNS server and a
Thank you.