I have submitted a Flock proposal to have a common discussion session for
(modern) Language SIGs. I think for this to be successful we need
representatives from various Language SIGs to be there (Rust, Haskell,
OCaml, Golang and of course Python and older ecosystems like Perl, R, TeX
come to mind immediately - surely there are more). Language packaging
experts are also welcome of course independently or affiliated to one or
more language SIGs. Of course I also hope there will be broad attendance by
interested contributors.
The idea is to talk about common and distinct problems faced, both to learn
from each other and to come up with practical ideas and plans for generally
easing Fedora's mass packaging efforts.
If you plan to be at Flock and are willing and able to represent your
Language SIG at this Flock session do please reply or reach out to me. I
think each SIG could do a brief presentation there to kick off the dialogue.
Thanks, Jens