The Fedora LLVM team is planning to retire the remaining compat packages for
LLVM 14, 15 and 16 by July 4th.
The complete list of packages is:
- llvm14: used by golang-tinygo-x-llvm, python-llvmlite
- llvm15: used by clang15, golang-tinygo-x-llvm, intel-igc, intel-opencl-clang,
lld15, openshadinglanguage, spirv-llvm15.0-translator
- clang15: used by clang15, golang-tinygo-x-llvm, intel-igc,
intel-opencl-clang, lld15, openshadinglanguage,
- lld15: used by intel-igc
- llvm16: used by clang16, golang-tinygo-x-llvm, ldc, lfortran, lld16
- clang16
- lld16
If anybody would like to keep maintaining these packages in Fedora, we would
gladly transfer ownership of them.
Keep in mind they are not supported by upstream anymore.
Tulio Magno