On Jul 16, 2013 11:22 AM, "Andrew McNabb" <amcnabb@mcnabbs.org> wrote:
> Fedora 19 has gone through yet another change to how network interfaces
> are renamed (biosdevname, etc.).  This isn't mentioned in the "Changes
> in Fedora for System Administrators" section of the Release Notes,
> though it does seem to be in the Changes for Desktop Users section.

It is mentioned in the Networking section.  The entire document is arguably relevant to a sysadmin, but I can see where placing that in the higher level Desktop category might be confusing.  This bears examination for the next release, IMO.

> Is there any reason that this isn't mentioned in the "Changes in Fedora
> for System Administrators" section of the Release Notes, and is it too
> late to add it there?

Many changes could arguably fit into multiple beats - subcategories in the document - and we try to pick the most appropriate one. Desktop changes vs system administrator changes is mostly a way to organize content rather than define scope, and perhaps an unneeded one.

Yes, it is too late to change this.  I might take time away from other work for outright factual errors and such, but not for an aesthetic reorganization.

By the way, docs@lists.fedoraproject.org might be more appropriate.

> --
> Andrew McNabb
> http://www.mcnabbs.org/andrew/
> PGP Fingerprint: 8A17 B57C 6879 1863 DE55  8012 AB4D 6098 8826 6868
> --
