Am Mi., 15. Nov. 2023 um 15:31 Uhr schrieb Priscila Gutierres <>:
I would like to maintain it, but I'm now just a contributor
Can someone please sponsor me to allow me to become a maintainer and  take this package?


On Wed, Nov 15, 2023 at 10:41 AM Tomáš Orsava <> wrote:
I just orphaned pipenv:

I haven't been using the package for some time, and upstream releases
versions too fast for me to keep up. Also I'm not sure how many people
use the package.

There are two open BZs for the package, but they'll likely be resolved
by updating to the latest upstream version.


Looking at the myriad of py packages which Fedora's pipenv bundles, I'm really wondering whether we should package this at all, at least in this form. I'm not saying that unbundling is easy or even feasible. But this really seems to call for `pip install pipenv` and stretches our packaging guidelines.
